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I'm an adult. I can go to bed whenever I want
  • I have to be asleep by 7 or 8pm to get anywhere close to 8 hours. Gotta be awake at 3am for my job lol. it sucks.

  • The ultimate in self debeennse
  • I like the Tønk Børel

  • tired rule
  • I am so, so tired.

  • What's something that you were surprised to find out a lot of people hate?
  • Soggy cereal. That's how I ate is as a kid and how my siblings did as well, mostly. No one ever said it was gross or the "wrong" way, until I got a bit older and found out that pretty much everyone hates it.

    I can't stand dry cereal lol.

  • Which way looks more comfortable as you wait for your coffee?
  • dude why is there like a whole car length in front of most of those cars?? are they moving forward or something or just completely inept?

  • Samsung sees 95% drop in profits for a second consecutive quarter
  • My Galaxy S10 is on its 5th year I think. Really had no issues with it, even the battery. Only showing signs of slowdown this year.

    Granted, I run my phone on 720p and constant battery saver lol

  • Locked
    r/place as of 7:13 PM (EST)
  • r/osugame needs to HURRY UP and migrate to Lemmy. I haven't been on reddit since last month and I'm missing my osu community there 😢

  • Connect 1.0.75 beta sign up
  • It appears post titles run off the screen on profile view now, with no linebreak.

    On that note, I love the new comment select view! I don't like that it collapses on its own when I upvote though, I feel like it should stay open?

    Regardless, thanks for your hard work Kuro! Connect is getting way better every update.

  • YSK: Use RSS feeds to curate your online experience
  • For an app, I really enjoy using Pluma RSS for Android. It's been in Beta for a while.. but it's quite sleek and easy to use. I'm not sure why it has a 3.7 on the Play Store, but it works for me.

  • NSFW strangeness
  • An admin account was hacked and they fucked with the website. They've been removed as an admin now and I assume they are working on restoring as we speak. I expect an official statement sometime tonight or tomorrow.

  • [Feature request] Indicator to see before clicking on a post/ the picture whether it's a picture or an article for example that then opens--- maybe show url?
  • Yes this is a little confusing.. I like the idea of adding a url preview to posts to show what you're actually opening before tapping on a link from a post. This would eliminate confusion altogether whether it opens an app like YT or a website.

    It could literally just be the main handle of the website ex.,, etc., doesn't have to show the full url.

  • actual causes of global warming rule
  • What an absolutely tonedeaf argument from CNN.

  • Are you replacing Reddit with Lenny?
  • I've only accessed reddit once since RIF died, just to see what r/all looked like. Not interested in returning tbh. I'll join the smaller communities on Lemmy or make my own.

  • Question: People who still frequent Reddit, has it gone back to business as usual or are the protests still having effect?
  • On that note, I gotta know if r/buttsharpies is still going as well

  • Help settle a discussion between me and my wife: what side is the front of the bed?
  • Well, there is such thing as a backboard, so the front must be the foot end?

  • I feel targeted…
  • I'm literally Aunt May 😳

  • To all the new(er) Reddit refugees!
  • Here from RiF! First post on Lemmy, here's to a bright future ^^

  • missmayflower May

    27yo transfem from the US


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