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Fully managed Lemmy hosting providers?
  • @maegul


    The URL to get a fully-managed Lemmy server from #SpaceHost is here:


  • How attached are you to your username?
  • @thelsim

    Some people call me by my username ("reiver") when they meet me in person.

    To me, it is as much my name as my given-names are.


    When I consider signing up for a new platform β€” if my preferred username isn't available, I often won't join.


    Which never used to be a problem β€” as it is an obscure English word using its archaic spelling β€”

    But, there are a lot more people on the Internet now, than there were two or more decades ago. So sometimes it gets taken by someone else.

  • What's something that's not common knowledge but you think everyone should know?
  • @RatzChatsubo @angrystego

    DNA sometimes moves from mitochondria to the cellular nucleus.

    This can lead to speciation.

  • your girlfriend gets an unencrypted copy of all your files. What happens?
  • @original_ish_name

    I'll just replace "girlfriend" with "wife" since I am married β€”

    Nothing happens. My wife knows me well. There isn't anything I think would surprise her.

  • Is there a fediverse software that has "trending" posts?
  • @HughJanus @Lazycog

    Do you recall which Firefish servers you tried (that were having stability problems)?

  • If you knew you were going to get Alzheimer’s at 65 would you have kids?
  • @cygnus_velum


    There isn't much that could make me not want to have kids.


    I actually already have children. It is one of the best things I have ever done in my life.

  • How do you guys remember the early days of the internet? What do you miss about it?
  • @nivenkos @Ransom

    Ha! πŸ™‚ β€” I did that too back in the day.

    But only to friends, as a joke.

    This was back before e-mail spam was a thing.

  • Communities should be able to move servers
  • @hitmyspot

    It is all automatic.

    You maintain the same relationship after the move.

    If you just followed them, but they didn't follow you β€” that continues after the move.

    If they just followed you, but you didn't follow them β€” that continues after the move.

    If you followed each other β€” that continues after the move.

    It is all automatic.


    As a user, if someone who follows you moves their account, you see that as a new follow in your notifications.

  • Would you explore space if given the chance? Why or why not?
  • @Euraru

    Yes β€” assuming it is safe β€” I have a family to support and care for (so have to think of them, too).

    I want to see what's there β€” and see it first hand for myself.

    Similar reason why I travel to different parts of the world to see things.

    I think this is more than just curiosity.

  • Communities should be able to move servers
  • @hitmyspot @hot_milky

    That is what happens on Mastodon now when someone moves their account from one server to another β€” you get a notification of them following you from the other server.

  • reiver @reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:

    I make things for the #Fediverse & #smallNet

    Also talk about #FediverseUX #P2P #Privacy #SpreadFediverse

    I post #SciFiArt

    My work includes β€” #AllYourBases #FediverseAcademy #FediverseCity #FingerProtocol #GreatApe #PostFreely #SpaceHost #StarSeed

    I life-cast at @reiver , collect at @reiver , threadiverse at @reiver

    Once upon a time, was a mathematician, computer scientist, data scientist, software engineer, industrial researcher 🌞

    The meaning of life β€” first survive, then reproduce 🌞

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