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thx, duck duck joey
  • Language models are most useful when the search engines think they're smarter than you

  • I'm this close to visiting my "local" branch for all my banking.
  • I use Magisk with the DenyList enabled and I just add banking and government apps to that list. Everything works perfectly.

  • Nvidia bans using translation layers for CUDA software
  • Good luck finding out if I did

  • Nvidia bans using translation layers for CUDA software
  • Good luck finding out I did it

  • Earrings look unattractive on both men and women.
  • It depends for me. I find some of them very cool, and others kinda ugly.

  • Martin Shkreli's lifetime drug industry ban upheld
  • Because insurance companies aren't known for fucking the customers.

  • Hot take
  • I've settled on btrfs a year ago and I'm happy with it. I like the compression and async trim.

  • What distros have you tried and thought, "Nope, this one's not for me"?
  • Any distro that uses apt. I'm ok with Fedora and Arch.

  • which ones do you think I missed?
  • She didn't (maybe). Record labels did.

  • Do you believe in God?
  • I'm an atheist, I don't believe in the existence of any god or divine figure, nor in ghosts, spirits, etc.

  • What would you considered "Ethical Piracy"
  • That's why I pirate almost everything

  • Watching The Wire for the second time after a year

    And oh god, there's so much stuff I hadn't noticed the first time around, and a few foreshadows that send shivers down my spine. It's truly an amazing show.

    "The fuck did I do?"

    Alexandrite UI:
  • Very nice looking

  • What are some quality YouTube channels that you recommend?
  • Technology Connections

  • What terminal file manager that you use, if any?
  • Never been a fan of terminal file managers, I just use exa and cd. Also z for directory jumping.

  • Firefox has surpassed Chrome on Speedometer
  • Never complained about its performance but that's awesome!

  • If you value privacy, ditch Chrome and switch to Firefox now
  • I tried LibreWolf but it just doesn't work for me, it disables lots of stuff I use and like. At the moment I use Firefox with my custom User.js which disables Mozilla tracking and other stuff.

  • If you value privacy, ditch Chrome and switch to Firefox now
  • IE being utter shit + Microsoft's anti-competitive practices definitely helped Google start it's browser monopoly.

  • The shady world of Brave selling copyrighted data for AI training
  • Brave is just too shady and I hate that it's considered a "privacy" browser by people who don't know better.

  • Be honest, do you still use reddit?
  • Haven't logged in to Reddit since one day after I created this lemmy account on June 13th.

  • i hate when this happens
  • Idk about bash but at least in fish I can do alt + arrows to move the cursor by word, also alt + backspace works to delete whole words.

  • How will lemmy instances survive if they get too big?

    I know there's donations and the owners can use their own money, but there's a limit. I doubt a platform with hundreds of thousands of daily users can survive with only donations.

    s0phia sophs

    Trans girl, linux user, open source enthusiast and music enjoyer.

    My discord is emps.uwu, hit me up if you wanna chat. I'm also on matrix:

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    Comments 37