silvercove @ silvercove Posts 11Comments 340Joined 2 yr. ago
America is being a little bitch as usual. China's rise is too much for the white racists to handle.
Look, another racist!
I see a lot of BYDs in the street here in Istanbul. They are everywhere.
This is technically not possible.
America interfered with every election in the world. I'm not too sad that theybare getting a taste of their own medicine.
Banks who loaned Elon money hold a bunch of Twitter stock. They want to eventually cash out.
Looking forward to Twitter losing the remaining 28% of value.
People who won the genetic lottery are angry that they can't milk their attractive appearence for money anymore.
Well, that's too bad.
All tech news reads like marketing.
Organic Maps does almost everything better than OsmAnd, but it also has a much smaller feature set. I have both on my phone.
This is a good development. More competition is always good.
Which is still good.
Look! Another triggered American who wants to talk about other countries, because he does not have the courage to admit that his country is a murderous, genocidal monster.
Somehow that time for "talking about America's shit" never arrives. Those murderers who killed, murdered and raped the Middle East for 30 years are still roaming free.
You're just a hypocrite.
Rich people write their own rules.
Sanctions are like masturbation.
And this should stop us from talking about this?
Here is more:
How many do you want?
Let me summarise your point above: "the yellow people are too stupid to make chips. If the are doing it, they must be stealing from smart Westerners."
Just how racist are you?
Microsoft is unbundling Teams from Office in Europe to address regulator concerns
Wer Sticker klebt, der fliegt: Tesla-Chefs in Grünheide drohen nach Gewerkschaft-Aktion Mitarbeitern mit Kündigung