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Main road to Grindavík (Iceland) is covered under lava
  • You're right, they're just making a joke, as till also refers to how farmers prepare soil for planting crops.

  • This kale is giving me Sideshow Bob vibes

    [Image description: a curly-leaf kale plant in a raised bed, with voluminous radiating leaves that kinda look like the afro of said Simpson's character.]

    Many berry pie with rosemary lemon ice cream
  • For some reason I can't add this to the main post, but here's the pie and ice cream before serving.

  • Week 24 - Seasonal ingredients: Many berry pie with rosemary lemon ice cream
  • For some reason I can't add this to the main post, but here's the pie and ice cream before serving.

  • Many berry pie with rosemary lemon ice cream

    cross-posted from:

    > Week 24 - Seasonal ingredients: Many berry pie with rosemary lemon ice cream > > My dad loves berry pies, so had to make him one for Father's Day. Fresh seasonal items used were blueberries and lemons (picked from my tree). The rosemary was from my yard too, but that thing grows year round 😋 > > Other berries used were the frozen Costco mix of blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries and pomegranate, on a homemade crust. > > The ice cream was a custard base, with rosemary steeped in the milk & cream. I like experimenting with unique flavors of ice cream, and this one was a hit with my family. > > [Image description: a close up of a slice of double crust berry pie with a dollop of melting ice cream on top.]

    52 Weeks of Baking thrawn
    Week 24 - Seasonal ingredients: Many berry pie with rosemary lemon ice cream

    My dad loves berry pies, so had to make him one for Father's Day. Fresh seasonal items used were blueberries and lemons (picked from my tree). The rosemary was from my yard too, but that thing grows year round 😋

    Other berries used were the frozen Costco mix of blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries and pomegranate, on a homemade crust.

    The ice cream was a custard base, with rosemary steeped in the milk & cream. I like experimenting with unique flavors of ice cream, and this one was a hit with my family.

    [Image description: a close up of a slice of double crust berry pie with a dollop of melting ice cream on top.]

    A couple of juvenile house finches enjoying the seeds of my black oil sunflowers

    They look pretty grown but just before I snapped this pic, one of them was begging an adult at my bird feeder, very cute to watch them flitting around.

    [Image description: two small brown and white speckled finches perched on a mature sunflower that is drooping with the weight of its seed head. One of the finches is sitting upright on the neck of the sunflower, while the other is flipped upside down to get at the seeds. The whole image has grid pattern imposed on it, due to being taken through a window with a mesh screen.]

    [Recipe] Leftover eggs and rice.
  • Yum, love a good fried rice! I think that recipes which use up leftovers while making you not feel like you're eating the same thing for the Nth meal in a row are essential tools in a home cook's arsenal.

  • Flame Broiler beef and veggie bowl copycat (sort of)

    As is often the case with my meals, this was a "use it up before it turns" meal. Had some beef top round roast, jalapenos, carrots, and cabbage, plus a giant bag of oranges from my parent's tree that need to be eaten, and this is what came out.

    General recipe:

    • Slice beef into strips, marinate for a few hours in orange juice, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, pepper and garlic powder.
    • Stir fry ginger, garlic, and onion, then add julienned carrot, jalapeno, cabbage and roughly chopped mushrooms. Don't over crowd the wok, cook in batches. I added a splash of soy and rice vinegar to the cabbage at the end to steam it at little.
    • Pat the beef strips dry before searing in the wok, again working in batches.
    • Cook down the marinade, add a corn starch slurry, and keep adding a little bit of soy sauce, rice vinegar, and brown sugar until it hits the right Magic Sauce™ blend of overly sweet, tangy, savory.
    • Serve on rice with some green onions.

    Still have more beef and more oranges, going to use the same marinade, but add lime and turn it into some carne asada for tomorrow.

    [Image description: a blue bowl on a speckled white countertop. Inside the bowl is white rice and mixed sauteed vegetables, topped with small cubes of beef with a drizzle of glossy dark brown sauce, and a sprinkle of sliced green onion.]

    Words for an Epic Quest, part 3
  • I love these comics, I always know at least one of the words (and therefore get to feel smart), and learn some new ones with cute illustrations.

  • Goodbye Reddit, Hello Lemmy!
  • I completely agree. Every so often I get an itch to have a look at Reddit, and though the niche subs still seem alright, the comments of anything near the front page are beleaguered with low-quality jokes and karma grabs.

    God forbid you're actually interested in discussing the subject, any comment that takes more than a few seconds to write or read gets buried under a thousand others like your first examples.

  • what's the latest image in your download folder?
  • Rosemary chips actually sound pretty good, never seen that in the US.

  • What is your favorite PG rated horror movie?
  • It's like Final Destination with children.

    I think that's a fantastic description for Willy Wonka. I remember as a kid watching the boat ride scene and thinking "is Mom sure this is a kid's movie‽"

  • The Day Sweden Switched from Driving on the Left Side (Sept 3, 1967)
  • Probably because it was a big event and everyone wanted to be out to watch the roads switch sides.

  • I think he wanted to thank me for petting him but did not realize he's licking the cone
  • Aww what a sweet baby. I'm sure he appreciates the comforting after the vet <3

  • Sometimes she poses just right to show off her peanut whiskers
  • Yes! We call those her leg warmers too :D

  • Sometimes she poses just right to show off her peanut whiskers
  • Sure does! Another little standard issue cutie

  • Sometimes she poses just right to show off her peanut whiskers

    Her first time seeing a balloon, was absolutely fascinated.

    [Image description: a brown and white tabby cat sitting in front of a backlit curtain, staring upwards with rapt attention. The end of the balloon ribbon can be seen dangling to one side. The angle of her head emphasizes the roundness of her little cheeks.]

    So I tried out that cabbage tarte tatin that was on the front page of Serious Eats
  • That's true, it's just that they use savory as a descriptor, when I found the end result to be more dessert than main.

    They've got a version that uses onions and much less sugar, so maybe I'll try a mix of onions and cabbage to get that caramelization. Or just apply the sugar as a glaze on the bottom before the bake, so that it's a layer of sweetness, and not sweet throughout.

  • So I tried out that cabbage tarte tatin that was on the front page of Serious Eats
  • Hey no aesthetic shaming my food! #notyourplatingstandards

  • So I tried out that cabbage tarte tatin that was on the front page of Serious Eats

    Here's the link to their recipe.

    Now normally Serious Eats is pretty bang on with their recipes, but this one has a CRAZY amount of sugar in it. I made it as directed (but using store bought puff pastry) for Mother's Day, and it was tasty but so sweet it could have been served for dessert.

    This is the second time I made it, but with half the sugar. However sweet is still the dominant note, even after adding Worcestershire sauce, tart goat cheese, and more herbs. If you want to make this, seriously try using just a quarter of the sugar they ask for, and you might get something more savory.

    [Image description: a circular tart made of layers of deeply caramelized cabbage in a sticky glaze. A bit of golden crust can be seen on the edges, and the tart is sitting on a wooden cutting board on a stove top.]

    What things am I a dumbass about?
  • I'll confess I do this with some regularity. If I unwrap a piece of cheese and see it's moldy, well I'm not tossing a nice hunk of aged gouda in the trash! I'll slice the mold off, then do a sniff and nibble test. If it still tastes moldy, keep slicing until it doesn't.

    I've done this since I was a kid, so who knows if it's actually safe, or if I've just spent decades rolling the dice and getting lucky.

  • I'm lawful good
  • And see, I'd swap your Lawful Neutral and True Neutral, as then all the neutrals would feature one long bed edge placed against a wall.

  • Copper Rule
  • Maybe we need more Christmas songs that are suitable to gloom of Seasonal Effective Disorder.

    Yes, 100%. I'd like to see more songs about the dark cold that sucks rather than pretend with "merry and bright."

  • Beef Bacon Egg &amp; Cheese!
  • Maybe a beef belly cut that's been smoked and thinly sliced, similarly to regular bacon?

  • What are your favorite regularly updated websites/blogs (that aren’t bloated by social media)?
  • Greg Alder's Yard Posts is a guy who posts every Friday about growing food in southern California. His climate is pretty similar to mine and his advice was a huge help when I was figuring out the timing for growing a garden. He's also super knowledgeable when it comes to growing avocados, if that's your thing.

  • New update to the USDA hardiness zone map

    The last version was made back in 2012, and it's crazy to compare the two and see how warming has pushed temperature bands further north.

    Threatening a smackdown

    Followed by the Paw of Rejection™ !

    [Image description: first photo is of a brown and white tabby cat on a bed looking slightly irritated, with one paw poised over a hand which is spread on the bed towards the cat. The second photo is the cat looking away with that paw pressed down on the hand.]

    Growing garlic for the first time, cloves planted on the 22nd are starting to sprout

    [Image description: a split photo, with the top picture showing cloves/bulbs of Elephant, Vietnamese Purple, and Nootka Rose garlic varieties about to be planted in a raised bed mulched with straw, and the bottom picture showing a few green sprouts peeking up through the straw.]

    Little butt enjoying the flowers on a California Goldenbush

    [Image description: a bee on clusters of small bright yellow flowers on a plant with angular, slightly fuzzy leaves.]

    Whipped up a chile verde-style stew with homegrown peppers

    I love my instant pot, it makes cooking meats and dried beans so easy.

    Here I grabbed a hunk of frozen pork shoulder, threw it in the pot with a can of beer and some seasonings. Hour and a half later, pulled out the pork and dumped in some dry pinto beans to cook in the remaining liquid. Half hour after that, all that was left was to shred the pork and add it back to the beans with a jar of salsa verde I canned using produce I grew last year.

    Stopping there would still have made for a good stew, but I reserved the pork fat cap prior to shredding, and roasted it, making crispy chef nibbles and a bunch of rendered fat. I coated slices of poblanos with the fat and charred them with my broiler and a blow torch.

    The stew is topped with cotija cheese and the crumbs from the bottom of a bag of tortilla chips.

    I picked a peck of poblano peppers

    Which were delicious roasted and added to a chile verde.

    [Image description: a hand holding five poblano peppers, two green and three red, in front of a pepper plant.]

    One of my favorite bumper stickers

    I've had a few people ask me about it, and I usually get as far as "So in Star Trek, there's this alien race called the Ferengi where the women aren't allowed..." before their eyes glaze over and I see them dismissing it as some nerd thing.

    [Image description: a sticker depicting Ishka from DS9 rolling up her sleeve in the classic Rosie the Riveter pose, with a speech bubble saying "The Future is Fe-male."]

    I think this parsley seedling is an imposter

    [Image description: a seed starting tray, with plant labels at the back. Centered is a row of basil seedlings with a set of true leaves, and to the left is a row labeled parsley, with only one seedling that's suspiciously basil-looking.]

    Annoyed that a fall heat wave has made my brassica seedlings start to bolt

    I don't know if trimming off the flower stalks would encourage them to go back to normal growth, or if I'm just SOL with this batch of seedlings.

    [Image description: a close up of a mulched garden bed with a bok choy seedling putting out a thin flower stalk.]

    I impulse bought a cheap (sub-$100) telescope for viewing the eclipse, and caught this series to and from totality

    [Image description: a collage of seven photos, showing a view of the increasing eclipse, totality, and decreasing eclipse through the lens of a telescope.]

    Bonus shot of the totality projected on a kid's hand through the sighting scope:


    Decor seen in a 19 million dollar Beverly Hills mansion - talk about tone deaf

    Link to the listing

    [Image description: a dining room with teal blue walls, with a pink neon sign saying "let them eat cake" written in cursive.]

    Cucumbers mean time for pickles!

    [Image description: a rich green cucumber hanging on a trellised vine in the morning sun.]

    Is it the weekend yet?

    [Image description: a brown and white tabby cat sitting on the back of a recliner. The front half of her body is slumped forward, with one paw dangling and her face resting on a cheek, eyes staring into the distance.]

    thrawn21 thrawn

    Just a rock-licker who loves all things sci-fi, boardgames, and growing my own food, especially heirloom tomatoes.

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