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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago

  • Well it's mostly that at least a certain group with disabilities has access to a way out when life is too harsh. It is to limit unneeded suffering. A respectful way to end one's life should be available to everyone, but that is a hard pill to swallow for many neurotypical / religious people. So it gets limited to a certain group, and then they use that compromise as an argument..

    You don't decide whether you are born, at least let us have more control over our own death. In a progression of our human civilization, this should count for everyone.

    Framing this in a bad way is exactly what some conservative politicians and media want.

  • And things in itself that are too small to see with even a microscope do not reflect light right? Light might interact there but will not reflect in the usual sense, it can however emit light though. As far as I understand that is.

  • Interesting video, thanks. I think the main point is that most (historical) data has a lot of gaps and wrong interpretations / extrapolation. People like Pinker seem to (perhaps just ignorantly) somewhat cherry pick data and use it as an argument for their optimistic statement.

  • It depends on what you mean by "ugly". Seeing so many people worldwide vote for harsh xenophobic policies made me realize that I consider most people sort of ugly.

    Perhaps they are just afraid, but it paints the real world picture. I don't think people are good or bad inside, just egoistic. Me included.

    Still I try to see the good in people and I tend not to whine, but I do understand the pessimistic views.

  • Interestingly I can agree on the grossness of it, only when "the mood"™ arises a kind of nasty turns into attractively naughty. It's a strange alteration. Like the new texture of a food you might find somewhat repulsive at first suddenly becomes highly addictive or desirable when you give in to it. The sleazy feeling of wanting to keep popping bubble wrap plastic without stopping.

    This differs based on time, context (persons) and general mood.

    I wonder if at a base level we have kind of the same attitude, but the hormonal alteration or lack thereof is what creates the differences and clouds my mind while yours stay sharp.

  • Most other companies can be selective in what they host / stream. YouTube will host/stream anything users upload and that's actually quite insane. Current statistics say that YouTubers upload 30.000 hours of video.. per hour.

    Aside from the streaming/processing, only the disk space that would need is already frightening. Most of those videos will never be seen, and no ads will be played on them. The setup needed for this is massively more impressive to me than services like Netflix.

    Do you perhaps have a source for those profit margins? I really wonder if they're already running break even.

  • The trick is to cut out the sticker (with the film underneath) and use paste gum to just place it where you want it. You can then remove it and stick it somewhere else whenever you want.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    I'm sorry grandma

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

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