umami_wasabi @ umami_wasbi Posts 43Comments 738Joined 2 yr. ago
Congrats on finding a suitable program. It looks promising.
I don't think such things exists. You would need to do some coding work to gule a few tools together. I would do "FFmpeg -> OpenCV -> Tesseract OCR -> tanslator".
That means only "authorized" clients equipped with "correct" DRM module can ever plays those video. If I have to guess, it would be Widevine L3 for browsers.
So TSMC have its own fab plus at max 50% of Intel fab? Isn't that... monopoly?
Chinese Any Government
But OLED can get burn in and degrade over time. This will too, but you can just replace the light bulb.
I disagree. DRM breaks "forward compatibility" especially with online auth, and Steam dominates PC game sales. Not to mention some publishers avoid releasing on Steam but on their own platforms. PC gamers lost the ability to resell games long before the console gamers did. Still, I digress.
None of your poins help nor prove PC gaming market grows and cause console's to shrink.
Great to hear you still have an ODD installed, but that game disc you bought 20 years ago won't contribute to today's growing PC market. Even then, I don't think the "it" in the line refers to remasters but "new" or "first party" in the eyes of the publishers.
I would understand that original as, "But the publishers don't want you to resell games. They want to have you buy games from their first party sales channel over and over again until the end of time."
Maybe I misinterpret?
Nope. When was your last time bought physical game disk for your PC? In fact, do your PC still have an ODD? Physical disk must not be the reason why PC gaming is growing and consoles are strinking. That's a wrong attribution.
This is a reality of any software. Those requirements exists by themselves or in some combinations, but once you want them all, the difficulty grows exponentially.
The Sunbird model works. Their model isn't that hard to replicate, and have the steps laidout for you to copy. However, it doesn't offer some perks you want with limitations. For example, you can only have 5 devices linked to 1 Signal account. There is no 2FA, fine grained access control, nor audit log. The search functionality is not particularly good.
There are ways to overcome those limitations but you will need some tech savvy dude with proper security backgroud/training to design, implement, and manage that. It steps into semi-custom developement and integration, and be warned, it is hard to done right, especially anything with security.
Say your organization is doing something like Amnesty International (at least sounds awlful lot similar to me), you want a solution that
- encryption
- shared inbox between trusted members
- minimal meta-data leak to providers (service providers and network node operators)
- hide who is sending/receiving
- easy to search/indexed
- fine grained access control
- audit log of who responed to who
- multi-device
- single stable address/contact point (how "stable" you need it to be?)
- 2fa?
- easy to use
Am I correct? To be honest, it is quite a tall order. I can't really think of a solution right now. Email is definitely out of the question because you can't hide who is sending and receiving the email.
May I have the legal text, of any country, requiring a certification to sell any printers, or have EURion contellation dection implemented, or legally required to implement tracking dots?
ALPR already exist. The situation won't get better or worst, no matter what license you release under.
I don't understand why you need encryption. It seems you are concerned about access control and metadata on the security side. If that's the case, it is more advisable to host your own email server. However, be aware that once the email is sent, your recipient email system may be hosted by other email providers that you might not desire. You can reduce the metadata leaks by using encryption, but as you are aware, not everybody kin to use it. And to be effective, it must be used by both sides.
I played with something in Zoho before. Forgot what it actually named. In essence, you create a group, then you add members to that group. The group would have an email address. Anyone can send email into the address and everybody in the group will be notified (like forwarded). I believe members can also use the group address to reply.
I think I had every thing setup correctly. SPF, DKIM, and DMARC are all green in Proton. Still, mysteriously end up in spam folder when I test with friends.
Hey, I still got one.
I tried, and failed hard. When I bought my domain 10 years ago, I didn't put efforts in reseaching domain reputation and got a .xyz tld. Now that tld smmes to be abused by spammer and also affecting my mail which go straight into spam folder.
I thought Google Workspace mailboxes aren't scanned?
Malaysia's plan to block overseas DNS dies after a day, but still need to stay vigilant
Don't get an used Quanta server - I just wanted a cheap Epyc server... | Craft Computing