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What's the most stupid trend (or fad) you participated in yourself?
  • Voting in the US with the current system and subsequent duopoly.

  • US tells Israel it will support Israel in a conflict with Hezbollah
  • Politicians say a lot of things

  • Democrats, worried about future of medication abortion, push to repeal Comstock Act
  • But then they wouldn’t have anything to scare you into voting for them with

  • Audio EQ - Should all the EQ numbers basically net zero?
  • Interesting question. I’ve always used my ears because you can’t just plus and minus frequency ranges to get the sound you want since some frequencies may sound louder than others due to a number of factors (environment, hardware, ears, physics, etc).

    I like to think of a flat EQ as 0, and you can add or subtract frequency ranges for taste/needs.

    You really only want to be concerned about a sort of 0 level if you’re overall volume is clipping/distorting and you can ring it down for some reason.

  • Hah! In theaters now and not now.

  • That’s Shroedinger’s cat!

  • Move over, Ford and Chevy: Kei trucks are pulling up as customers opt for smaller, cheaper vehicles
  • Yeah it’s just people trying to show how big their penis is with a car

  • Move over, Ford and Chevy: Kei trucks are pulling up as customers opt for smaller, cheaper vehicles
  • Does Citroen make SUV’s now? They must be smoooooooth

  • Move over, Ford and Chevy: Kei trucks are pulling up as customers opt for smaller, cheaper vehicles
  • Haha because it’s from aliexpress. I think it’s a great idea though. You can haul things. Don’t need roads. Looks cool. Good for the environment

  • Move over, Ford and Chevy: Kei trucks are pulling up as customers opt for smaller, cheaper vehicles
  • i've thought about that for high performance vehicles, but probably more important for very large vehicles. like a B/C license.

  • Move over, Ford and Chevy: Kei trucks are pulling up as customers opt for smaller, cheaper vehicles
  • damn, i would have expected the french to have better taste in their vehicles

  • Removed
    iOS 18 Unveiled: A Leap Towards Smarter, More Personalized iPhones
  • More personalized = accessing and using more of your data

  • Move over, Ford and Chevy: Kei trucks are pulling up as customers opt for smaller, cheaper vehicles
  • Americans just love being the biggest on the road. Bigger is better in their minds. Maybe we put an extra tax on very large vehicles.

  • Microplastics found in every human semen sample tested in study
  • So you inject some of those plastic-eating worms into your balls and problem solved.

  • Biden supporters mostly back him in 2024 election because they oppose Trump, poll finds
  • That’s awesome! What city? What was the process for getting it on the ballot and what helped getting it passed?

  • Why no videos of the Traverse Z71 off roading? Just not capable?

    Anybody got experience hill climbing or other off roading g with the 2924 Traverse Z71

    Liberal Gun Owners venusaur
    If you care about US democracy, tell your congressperson to support the Fair Representation Act! Take Action: Ask your U.S Representative to support the Fair Representation Act!

    I just emailed my U.S. Representative, asking them to support the Fair Representation Act! Join me by doing the same: [@campaign]

    Take Action: Ask your U.S Representative to support the Fair Representation Act!

    The Fair Representation Act has been re-introduced in Congress. This bold solution can stop gerrymandering and make Congress work for every American.

    The Fair Representation Act can solve partisan gerrymandering, make every congressional district competitive, and encourage politicians to represent all of us instead of just their base. It does this by combining three reforms:

    • Multi-member districts. In three- or five-member districts, nearly every voter will elect a candidate they support. Voters like Massachusetts Republicans and Oklahoma Democrats will be represented in Congress. Gerrymandering will become nearly impossible.

    • Ranked choice voting for all U.S. House and Senate elections. RCV frees voters to support their favorite candidates, and encourages candidates to reach out to more voters for second-choice support. When RCV is used in multi-member districts, it is a form of proportional representation.

    • Uniform rules for congressional redistricting

    The Fair Representation Act can be passed without a constitutional amendment. It truly has the potential to transform our political system and create a more inclusive and deliberative government which respects and empowers all voices.

    If you care about democracy, tell your congressperson to support the Fair Representation Act! Take Action: Ask your U.S Representative to support the Fair Representation Act!

    I just emailed my U.S. Representative, asking them to support the Fair Representation Act! Join me by doing the same: [@campaign]

    Take Action: Ask your U.S Representative to support the Fair Representation Act!

    The Fair Representation Act has been re-introduced in Congress. This bold solution can stop gerrymandering and make Congress work for every American.

    The Fair Representation Act can solve partisan gerrymandering, make every congressional district competitive, and encourage politicians to represent all of us instead of just their base. It does this by combining three reforms:

    • Multi-member districts. In three- or five-member districts, nearly every voter will elect a candidate they support. Voters like Massachusetts Republicans and Oklahoma Democrats will be represented in Congress. Gerrymandering will become nearly impossible.

    • Ranked choice voting for all U.S. House and Senate elections. RCV frees voters to support their favorite candidates, and encourages candidates to reach out to more voters for second-choice support. When RCV is used in multi-member districts, it is a form of proportional representation.

    • Uniform rules for congressional redistricting

    The Fair Representation Act can be passed without a constitutional amendment. It truly has the potential to transform our political system and create a more inclusive and deliberative government which respects and empowers all voices.

    If you care about US democracy, tell your congressperson to support the Fair Representation Act! Take Action: Ask your U.S Representative to support the Fair Representation Act!

    I just emailed my U.S. Representative, asking them to support the Fair Representation Act! Join me by doing the same: [@campaign]

    Take Action: Ask your U.S Representative to support the Fair Representation Act!

    The Fair Representation Act has been re-introduced in Congress. This bold solution can stop gerrymandering and make Congress work for every American.

    The Fair Representation Act can solve partisan gerrymandering, make every congressional district competitive, and encourage politicians to represent all of us instead of just their base. It does this by combining three reforms:

    • Multi-member districts. In three- or five-member districts, nearly every voter will elect a candidate they support. Voters like Massachusetts Republicans and Oklahoma Democrats will be represented in Congress. Gerrymandering will become nearly impossible.

    • Ranked choice voting for all U.S. House and Senate elections. RCV frees voters to support their favorite candidates, and encourages candidates to reach out to more voters for second-choice support. When RCV is used in multi-member districts, it is a form of proportional representation.

    • Uniform rules for congressional redistricting

    The Fair Representation Act can be passed without a constitutional amendment. It truly has the potential to transform our political system and create a more inclusive and deliberative government which respects and empowers all voices.

    Who else wakes up and has to blow their nose or clear their airways every morning and why?

    I’m guessing it’s from dry air god me but even with humidifier I always have to blow my nose a bunch of times in the morning. Sometimes my lungs feel tight for a while after waking up. This happen to anybody else? Why does it happen for you?

    How can we reform the Law of War to allow heads of state and government buildings to be targeted?

    It doesn’t make any sense to me that leaders of countries can declare war with total immunity from its violence, unless they’re actually fighting themselves, which in most cases they are not.

    They have nothing to lose when they declare war, so why should they be allowed to put all of us at risk?

    How can the Laws of War be changed to hold politicians accountable for their actions and make them think long and hard before engaging in wars? Maybe alternatively, all politicians including the president/PM/leader should have to serve in the military as well.

    Recommendations for baby jumper without a ton of crazy toys all over it

    Just want a simple jumper with maybe one of two toys in it. Looking for the circular type. Not the kind that is like a swing. Thanks!

    Daddit - Parenting for Dads venusaur
    Why did you decide to become a parent?

    Just that. Can be accidental pregnancy. Can be that your partner wanted to have kids, but it has to be why YOU made the decision.

    Does anybody else feel guilty being suspicious of anybody in a black hoodie with the hood up?

    Specifically because I live in a hot climate, I'm always fighting the feeling of being suspicious of anybody I pass in the streets with a hoodie pulled up. I feel guilty because of racial profiling associated with hoodies, but gotta protect myself and my family, especially because in many cases the perpetrators of assault and murder seen in media are somebody with a hood and/or mask on.

    Did Lemmy remove infinite scrolling or is it just a setting? I see a next button now.

    If they removed infinite scrolling I think this is awesome! Infinite scrolling is addictive and related to multiple detrimental psychological effects.

    Myanmar military loses control of key town on Thai border, rebels say, in major win for anti-junta resistance Myanmar civil war: Military loses control of key town on Thai border, rebels say, in major win for anti-junta resistance | CNN

    Myanmar rebels fighting the junta say they have seized the last remaining military base in a key border town, dealing the latest significant blow to the country’s military rulers as they struggle to cling to power.

    Myanmar civil war: Military loses control of key town on Thai border, rebels say, in major win for anti-junta resistance | CNN

    cross-posted from:

    > Myanmar military loses control of key town on Thai border, rebels say, in major win for anti-junta resistance > > Rebels kicking ass with no military assistance from US > > “Myanmar rebels fighting the junta say they have seized the last remaining military base in a key border town, dealing the latest significant blow to the country’s military rulers as they struggle to cling to power. > > About 200 soldiers abandoned their base in the southeastern town of Myawaddy and have been pushed to the No 2. Friendship Bridge linking Myanmar to Thailand following an attack Wednesday night by Karen resistance fighters, a spokesperson for the Karen National Union told CNN Thursday. > > “Officially we (are in) control of the town Myawaddy since last night,” KNU spokesperson Saw Taw Nee said. The loss of the major trading point with Thailand was “a big issue for the military,” he added.”

    Myanmar military loses control of key town on Thai border, rebels say, in major win for anti-junta resistance Myanmar civil war: Military loses control of key town on Thai border, rebels say, in major win for anti-junta resistance | CNN

    Myanmar rebels fighting the junta say they have seized the last remaining military base in a key border town, dealing the latest significant blow to the country’s military rulers as they struggle to cling to power.

    Myanmar civil war: Military loses control of key town on Thai border, rebels say, in major win for anti-junta resistance | CNN

    Rebels kicking ass with no military assistance from US

    “Myanmar rebels fighting the junta say they have seized the last remaining military base in a key border town, dealing the latest significant blow to the country’s military rulers as they struggle to cling to power.

    About 200 soldiers abandoned their base in the southeastern town of Myawaddy and have been pushed to the No 2. Friendship Bridge linking Myanmar to Thailand following an attack Wednesday night by Karen resistance fighters, a spokesperson for the Karen National Union told CNN Thursday.

    “Officially we (are in) control of the town Myawaddy since last night,” KNU spokesperson Saw Taw Nee said. The loss of the major trading point with Thailand was “a big issue for the military,” he added.”

    Can baby go out into the world in just a diaper on a hot day?

    What are your thoughts? It’s hot outside. Baby is gonna be shaded in the stroller or in the car. Is it okay for baby to just be in a diaper?

    Lemmy Support venusaur
    Does discussion around forced sterilization (NOT EUGENICS) get me banned?

    Hello. Wondering if discussion around forced sterilization that has nothing to do with genetics will get me banned.

    For example: if a pedophile rapes and impregnates a child they could be a candidate for forced sterilization.

    Has nothing to do with eugenics. Completely void of using genetics to identify a person.


    “Don’t be you” - Reddit supports community that protects and promotes intolerance: Robinhood

    I was recently banned from the subreddit, r/Robinhood for making a comment about Robinhood's shady practices. I quoted their own rule, "Don't be you", calling them hypocrites, and received a 7 day ban from Reddit the following day.

    How can we draw attention to Reddit supporting a subreddit whose very rules promote and protect intolerance and harassment?

    I encourage you to message Reddit directly and report this community.





    venusaur venusaur

    Reddit sucks

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