the CEO assassination footage is absolutely chilling
the CEO assassination footage is absolutely chilling
I watched it and now I'm chilling
the CEO assassination footage is absolutely chilling
I watched it and now I'm chilling
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The dude was a profesional, 100% its was a hit on him
Either a pro or the dude was a vet, like a vet who saw actual combat. He's def used a gun before, I don't think some disgruntled rando could walk off that calmly after shooting a guy three times.
If it's a hitman I'm dying to know what for. This story has the potential to be soooo juicy. Please please please blow the lid off some major racketing shit ceos are in on.
Here's hoping it's a rival CEO who shorted the stock before it jumped 一箭雙鵰
cleared that jam like a pro for sure
I think he was using a slide lock pistol, with a silencer that's the closest you can get to a quiet gun.
Depends on caliber and propellant. The most quiet gun is a .22 slide lock with a silencer and subsonic ammo. Sounds almost like like a hammer punching through drywall.
petition for this face as an emoji
"If the law you followed to maximize shareholder value brought you to this point, then of what use was the law?"
Ah that makes sense; I was wondering why he had to rack the slide after every shot like a springer airsoft gun
What I think is happening actually happening is that he's using subsonic ammunition in a normal semi-auto handgun, with a threaded barrel and supressor.
Subsonic ammo exists for many common firearm calibers, it usually has a significantly lower grain (less gunpowder).
Benefit of this is that the gunshot is much quieter...
Downside is, depending on your weapon/ammo combination, this may not provide enough actual explosive force in the chamber to actually cycle a semi-auto action, so you have to work the action (in this case, the slide) yourself each time.
(That and your effective range, accuracy and velocity are reduced, but thats usually not a problem for point blank situations like this.)
After watching the extremely low quality video several times, I think this is actually what is occuring.
The slide does not appear to stay locked back after firing, for any of the shots.
For every shot, he has to fully cycle the slide, often multiple times, reaching down toward a pistol whose slide does not appear to be extended.
This behavior is quite commonplace when using subsonic rounds in a modern handgun.
From the size of the gun, it's so small that it might not even be 9mm.
It could be .38, maybe even .22?
Fair enough, I guess I should have qualified with 'commonly available, off the shelf, manufacturer standard, non custom built' handguns, but I felt the Autism/detail level was extremely high in my post already.
I felt the Autism/detail level was extremely high in my post already.
Follow your heart of course, but I can pretty confidently say that the user base of this site is here for pretty much any amount of autism/detail level on a thread about an event like this
(not sure if this is the right usage for this emoji but I'm trying to agree with you)
Good points, though I did see in another thread someone linked to a purchase of a slide-lock pistol, they do exist. I have no opinion on whether or not he used one, but they do seem to be a thing.
It's also possible it's some Shinzo Abe assassin style home-made boondoggle. The footage is pretty blurry, so it'd be hard to tell
I mean technically you're not wrong, its possible, but pretty unlikely.
Guns are not hard to get in America.
In Japan, they are extremely heavily regulated, extremely unavailable to civillians.
Entirely true, yeah.
if it was homemade, it would be printed, and printed frames aren't significantly worse than factory ones. you're allowed to buy everything other than the frame off the shelf with no regulation at all. aside from how easy it is to get a gun legally, an improvised gun in america will be way better than an improvised gun in japan.
He racks the slide immediately after the first shot so it does appear he's running a manual action set up (either a manual action gun or just a standard semi auto and working the slide each time).
After the second shot he appears to have some trouble but he calmly fixes it and I can't tell if he shoots a third time or is satisfied the guy is allready dead.
looks like hes collecting the casings to the bullets
Must have missed some because the news is reporting 9mm casings recovered at the scene
let's hope they can't get a print off of those, or that he's so pro that he dropped decoy casings
Decoy is best scenario (and brilliant), but it's NYC so they may just be covering ass and lying too. Which would be hilarious.
Prob a pro bono.
I doubt it. A professional wouldn't have been that off on the first shok. The slide rack was just indicative of someone who knows their weapon. I think this was a vengeance kill.
I don't know if it was a hit, he had written Deny, Defend and Depose on the shellcasings