Apparently, and perhaps not surprisingly, the US allows it on highways. Which helps explain why their traffic related deaths rate per capita is almost twice the European average.
I've never seen anyone do it so I'm pretty sure it's illegal in all countries were I've found myself on a highway. The US and Germany (due to their free speed generally quite weird autobahns) come to mind as countries that might allow it.
Passing on the left in regions with LH traffic (RHD)
Since it is the opposite of Overtaking, it is typically called undertaking, especially if you try to undertake a large truck with limited visibility on the passenger side.
I'm turning left on a two-lane street, waiting for incoming traffic to clear, and some jackass pulls into the right-turn cutout to pass me. It's both rude and dangerous.
What. So this "jackass" and all the people in the right lane should pull up behind you and wait for you to turn left? That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. That's partially why there are two lanes, so traffic can continue to flow instead of waiting for you.
Hold up. When you say "two lane street" do you mean one lane on each side? Because that changes everything. Whenever people I talk to refer to a two lane street they mean two lane in your direction.