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A massive wave of repression is coming. We can survive this, then overthrow the imperialist deep state. A massive wave of repression is coming. We can survive this, then overthrow the imperialist deep state.

Prior to the Indonesian genocide of the 1960s, where the CIA installed a military dictatorship that the lives of millions, the country’s communist party technically did warn about the peril. The problem was that this warning had been made in a reactive way, and therefore wasn’t nearly enough to prep...

A massive wave of repression is coming. We can survive this, then overthrow the imperialist deep state.

Not always 100% with Shea but worth reading


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  • I don't really follow Shea but his links and statements are sounding pretty ultra, which actually tends to mean being equally (or even more) useless for opposing and surviving oppression, as instead of doing any actual organizing to build a movement and prepare it, you end up picking pointless fights with your closest potential allies and then sitting back and deciding your work is done.


    • Citing a Trot statement as the "united front" group that PSL should've joined with.

    • Citing the more or less useless Uhuru group's irrational criticisms of ANSWER for scheduling a march for Palestine on the same day as their own poorly-attended march. The tone and logic is actually ironically reminiscent of every "white leftist with a chip on their shoulder and one (1) oppressed identity" faux-defensive attack letter I've ever read.

    • Implying, sans evidence, that PSL's actions are somehow at odds with opposing the feds' attacks on Uhuru.

    • Vaguely gesturing at the Bad Guys without providing any definitions or meaning or how to actually do anything. Shea says to fight the "deep state" by going the "revolutionary" path.

    Someone tell Shea to touch grass.

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