Genocide denial in real time
Genocide denial in real time
Allegedly the fix is less tone deaf.
Edit: Lol y'all aren't even getting past the first image. The second one is more rage inducing IMO.
Genocide denial in real time
Allegedly the fix is less tone deaf.
Edit: Lol y'all aren't even getting past the first image. The second one is more rage inducing IMO.
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single issue voting
okay so liberals are now doing the thing that conservatives loved to do 6 years ago (and still do) where they claim that their views and opinions are being "silenced" but playing extremely coy like everyone doesn't know what "views and opinions" are being silenced. If there ever was a single issue to be a "single issue voter" for, it's genocide; and liberals who traffic in this bullshit are either aware of how disingenuous that is or are genuinely too stupid to see what they're doing. Either is unbelievably contemptible
And if you talk about other issues then they'll acuse you of "purity testing". There is no way to make libs see past their own bullshit.
The dem candidate in my state in 2020 supported Donald Trump, said that the current Republican senator didn't work with Trump enough. I got accused of "purity testing" because I said that was a good enough reason to not vote for a Democrat lmao.
Deeply unserious people.
Claire mccaskill or whatever her name is. I remember that shit lol.
if it wasn't being against genocide they'd find another reason Biden isn't good
Actual arguments I've seen which is just ignoring Bidens track record of terrible politics
My favorite tactic is where they care more about what’s going on domestically than globally. As if. These are the same fuckers salivating over billions to Ukraine to save le democracy. Not to mention how students’ tuition is spent is literally a domestic issue. So much of the money being spent on Ukraine and Israel could’ve been spent domestically but nope. We just don’t have money for anything. These people deserve their teeth kicked in for insulting my intelligence
it's the easiest, oldest trick in the book. conservatives pull it all the time too
we can't worry about [foreign issue]
bad countryThe state engaging in performing and/or support and aiding a genocide is not a "single issue" lmao. I love how they say that. "Single issue". To get to the point where you are assisting a foreign ally committing a genocide on people who never wronged you is hundreds of issues building up over the course of decades.
It's not an "oopsie doopsie I wrote a check to Israel and then they used that money to kill Palestinians all of a sudden". It's a, "all of the thousands of things that we have done for 70 years in pursuit of our interests in merely one particular region of our empire has made this genocide inevitable". How the fuck liberals look at this scenario and see only one issue here is so astronomically fucking unbelievable that it cannot possibly be true. They know full goddamn well it's not a single issue but they have to word it that way so they don't sound ridiculous scoffing at someone being concerned with the military industrial complex.
Of the never ending list of reasons why liberals are so goddamn insufferable, their complete cluelessness juxtaposed against their very serious, intellectual demeanor is beyond aggravating. They assume the way things are is the right way for the world to be, and if they don't know the reason for something, they're positive the real reason is one that reaffirms what they already believe. All what they don't know is just stuff they haven't gotten around to learning yet, but they're positive they already know it better than those peaky tankoids
They pretend that single issue voters don’t get their way. Haven’t they seen the damage that single issue voters on criminalizing abortion have done?