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  • “You leftists are mad about this one thing Biden’s doing, but what about all the other important issues he’s not addressing? Check mate!”

  • Single issue voters according to dems: "I don't care that you're doing so well on all these things, this single issue is all that matters to me"
    Single issue voters IRL: "You're shit on absolutely every single thing, but I'm still willing to vote for you as long as you don't commit a genocide"

  • The world is aflame with nuclear hellfire. Crops no longer grow. Famines and plagues have decimated the human population.


    Unlike you tankies, I am objectively morally correct because I voted for Hillary.

  • They act like it's only possible to care about one thing at a time. Yeah, the genocide is the most pertinent issue right now, but we've been talking about literally all of those other things for decades. Which, surprise, Democrats have made no effort to fix, and have actually made most of them worse.

  • It’s called Stockholm Syndrome because it’s about how soc dems are in love with the status quo.

  • Abortion dropped under Dems

    Climate change that hits the goal

    The southern border is getting cringe

    Single payer healthcare

    Mental healthcare is hard to come by

    Unions need more presence in government

    COVID relief

    Homelessness is a choice

    Pulling out of Ukraine

    Playing nice with China

    Playing nice with South America

    Prison abolition

    Reinvestment of police budgets

    Stacking the supreme court

    Declassifying JFK and 9/11

    School lunches for children

    Research grants are hard to come by

    Ads are everywhere


    Crumbling roads

    Car dependency

    No high speed rail

    Cost of living out pacing wages

    Multiple jobs to afford CoL is cringe

    Bullshit jobs to prop up the economy is cringe

    Rent seeking behavior in housing is cringe

    I'm never going to see a cent of social security

    Simplifying the tax code or doing it for me

    No guarantees of vacation or paternity/maternity leave

    War on drugs

    Reappropriation of military budget

    Billionaires are policy failures

    Personally, I want the psyops to stop so you'd have to ask the CIA to chill

    I don't fucking like what the Dems are doing on the issues I care about! And this is a quick list. I bet I forgot something I care deeply about. I don't even think they're going to be effectual on the issues they brought up, honestly. And all of these suggestions are for living under capitalism. Don't even get me started on how I want to be represented politically, how I want the labor force to self-organize, and how America deserves to atone for the havoc it causes abroad by cleaning up some of the rubble.

  • Biden’s failure on everything on the right side of that comic had me not voting for that bozo already, the material and ideological support of genocide is just the icing on the shit cake.