Genocide denial in real time
Genocide denial in real time
Allegedly the fix is less tone deaf.
Edit: Lol y'all aren't even getting past the first image. The second one is more rage inducing IMO.
Genocide denial in real time
Allegedly the fix is less tone deaf.
Edit: Lol y'all aren't even getting past the first image. The second one is more rage inducing IMO.
the guy I'm supposedly counting on to address the climate emergency just hiked up tariffs on solar panels
the guy I'm counting on to restore abortion rights is, himself, anti-choice
he also has approved numerous huge pipelines, some of the largest LNG export terminals, and has sold enormous amounts of public land and oceans
he has deported far more undocumented people, and at a higher rate than trump. He's also trying to pass immigration laws worse than Trump's, and kids no longer have any protections in ICE camps. Immigrants are often shipped to detention camps in Guatemala to make it difficult to seek asylum, against international law.
Not to mention he destroyed Nordstream, which was the biggest environmental disaster of the decade, releasing so much methane into the atmosphere. Nobody ever talks about this aspect of Nordstream, it was an environmental catastrophe.
The EU just swapped from natural gas to coal. Amazing
I do not understand how chuds see what Joedolf Bidler is doing at the border and go "He's not killing enough ill eagles!
"the guy I'm supposedly counting on to address the climate emergency just hiked up tariffs on solar panels
fr this is the time to subsidize solar panels, at home and abroad
Yeah I'm a single issue voter.
I'm looking for a single issue Biden is actually making a positive impact on before I vote for him.
Tbf the nlrb is better under him
It really is. And I’ve seen this used as a justification for ignoring the genocide. Social fascists operating without the domestic social safety net are truly pathetic.
The Supreme Court ruled 8-1 that the right to strike is not absolute this spring and in April ruled that federal agencies can be sued at any time without needing to wait for them to reach a final decision on a policy. They're totally going to rule the NLRB unconstitutional soon.
“You leftists are mad about this one thing Biden’s doing, but what about all the other important issues he’s not addressing? Check mate!”
single issue voting
okay so liberals are now doing the thing that conservatives loved to do 6 years ago (and still do) where they claim that their views and opinions are being "silenced" but playing extremely coy like everyone doesn't know what "views and opinions" are being silenced. If there ever was a single issue to be a "single issue voter" for, it's genocide; and liberals who traffic in this bullshit are either aware of how disingenuous that is or are genuinely too stupid to see what they're doing. Either is unbelievably contemptible
And if you talk about other issues then they'll acuse you of "purity testing". There is no way to make libs see past their own bullshit.
if it wasn't being against genocide they'd find another reason Biden isn't good
Actual arguments I've seen which is just ignoring Bidens track record of terrible politics
My favorite tactic is where they care more about what’s going on domestically than globally. As if. These are the same fuckers salivating over billions to Ukraine to save le democracy. Not to mention how students’ tuition is spent is literally a domestic issue. So much of the money being spent on Ukraine and Israel could’ve been spent domestically but nope. We just don’t have money for anything. These people deserve their teeth kicked in for insulting my intelligence
it's the easiest, oldest trick in the book. conservatives pull it all the time too
The state engaging in performing and/or support and aiding a genocide is not a "single issue" lmao. I love how they say that. "Single issue". To get to the point where you are assisting a foreign ally committing a genocide on people who never wronged you is hundreds of issues building up over the course of decades.
It's not an "oopsie doopsie I wrote a check to Israel and then they used that money to kill Palestinians all of a sudden". It's a, "all of the thousands of things that we have done for 70 years in pursuit of our interests in merely one particular region of our empire has made this genocide inevitable". How the fuck liberals look at this scenario and see only one issue here is so astronomically fucking unbelievable that it cannot possibly be true. They know full goddamn well it's not a single issue but they have to word it that way so they don't sound ridiculous scoffing at someone being concerned with the military industrial complex.
Of the never ending list of reasons why liberals are so goddamn insufferable, their complete cluelessness juxtaposed against their very serious, intellectual demeanor is beyond aggravating. They assume the way things are is the right way for the world to be, and if they don't know the reason for something, they're positive the real reason is one that reaffirms what they already believe. All what they don't know is just stuff they haven't gotten around to learning yet, but they're positive they already know it better than those peaky tankoids
They pretend that single issue voters don’t get their way. Haven’t they seen the damage that single issue voters on criminalizing abortion have done?
Liberals have determined that pro-Palestine young people have the power to sway the entire universe towards fascism or democracy. The most logical tactic would be to appeal to them, or at the very least compromise with them, or at the very least pretend to care about their problems. But they decide to do nothing, wish for more violence on protestors, then get upset when the young people don’t want anything to do with liberals.
These are the same people who tell you to take economics 101 but they fail at basic diplomacy and negotiation lol
And the kicker is that statistically, Palestine isn’t in the top issue for a lot of young people, but liberals think it is and quadruple down on the Zionism instead of addressing any other issue in the myriad of issues available. The government for past 4 years has shown it cares about nothing except the stock market, Ukraine, and Israel.
The most logical tactic would be to appeal to them, or at the very least compromise with them, or at the very least pretend to care about their problems
None of those things liberal voters can meaningfully do though. Its on their representatives and Biden to do those things and they've been crystal clear that they never will. All these liberal voters are doing is going through different stages of grief while trapped between loyalty to their party and leftists harassing them for supporting genocide.
Yes I’m a single issue voter, and that single issue is the destruction of Amerikkkan empire
Single issue voters according to dems: "I don't care that you're doing so well on all these things, this single issue is all that matters to me"
Single issue voters IRL: "You're shit on absolutely every single thing, but I'm still willing to vote for you as long as you don't commit a genocide"
Dems don’t want to do any of those signs though. Like they have proven that over and over. The argument is totally cratered
The world is aflame with nuclear hellfire. Crops no longer grow. Famines and plagues have decimated the human population.
Unlike you tankies, I am objectively morally correct because I voted for Hillary.Why don’t centrist libs stand up and protest any of these issues. They have 1 March every four years and vote once every two. The kids protesting probably phone banked more hours in 2020 than all the fuckers complaining combined.
The kids protesting probably phone banked more hours in 2020 than all the fuckers complaining combined.
None of these libs even understand what that means because they have absolutely zero experience with real politics. They're entire understanding of politics is exclusively media.
Our single issue is genocide, their single issue is Trump. All the signs they hold are ultimately hollow talking points that they only invoke to scare people about Trump to leverage them to vote Biden -- outside of that usage, the democrats talk about wanting a strong republican party, do fuck-all federally to protect the rights of marginalized people, do fuck-all to protect abortion rights, do fuck-all about the climate ...
Looked at one of those threads and someone made a good point: single issue anti-abortion voters got abortion rights overturned.
Single issue voting works. It's almost Maoist!
There is always only one principal contradiction; however, the contradictions can trade places of importance. When looking at numerous contradictions, one must understand which contradiction is superior. One must also remember the principal and non-principal contradictions are not static and will, over time, transform into one another. This also causes a transformation of the nature of the thing, for the principal contradiction is what primarily defines the thing. These two different contradictions prove that nothing is created equally by showing the lack of balance that allows one contradiction to be superior to another.
Meanwhile, in the comic, Lady Lib is trying to tackle a dozen issues at the same time and is being overwhelmed by the different non-principal contradictions, unable to even hold on to all her signs. They're literally refuting themselves!
Weirdly the uncommitted movement has more faith in democracy than most vote blue libs.
My single issue: End political corruption and corporate greed by giving workers ownership over the means of production
mine is death to amerikkka
At the rate we're going, wait about a year.
They act like it's only possible to care about one thing at a time. Yeah, the genocide is the most pertinent issue right now, but we've been talking about literally all of those other things for decades. Which, surprise, Democrats have made no effort to fix, and have actually made most of them worse.
This is the inevitable result of supporting Biden. You can say "yes he's doing genocide but trump will somehow do more genocide" but that's effectively campaigning against your candidate by associating him with genocide.
So the next step is to not talk about Palestine at all. Sweep it under the rug. But now you gotta explain why young people are so pissed at you so you make up some bullshit.
It’s called Stockholm Syndrome because it’s about how soc dems are in love with the status quo.
Abortion dropped under Dems
Climate change that hits the goal
The southern border is getting cringe
Single payer healthcare
Mental healthcare is hard to come by
Unions need more presence in government
COVID relief
Homelessness is a choice
Pulling out of Ukraine
Playing nice with China
Playing nice with South America
Prison abolition
Reinvestment of police budgets
Stacking the supreme court
Declassifying JFK and 9/11
School lunches for children
Research grants are hard to come by
Ads are everywhere
Crumbling roads
Car dependency
No high speed rail
Cost of living out pacing wages
Multiple jobs to afford CoL is cringe
Bullshit jobs to prop up the economy is cringe
Rent seeking behavior in housing is cringe
I'm never going to see a cent of social security
Simplifying the tax code or doing it for me
No guarantees of vacation or paternity/maternity leave
War on drugs
Reappropriation of military budget
Billionaires are policy failures
Personally, I want the psyops to stop so you'd have to ask the CIA to chill
I don't fucking like what the Dems are doing on the issues I care about! And this is a quick list. I bet I forgot something I care deeply about. I don't even think they're going to be effectual on the issues they brought up, honestly. And all of these suggestions are for living under capitalism. Don't even get me started on how I want to be represented politically, how I want the labor force to self-organize, and how America deserves to atone for the havoc it causes abroad by cleaning up some of the rubble.
Why don't you care about the carrot I dangle every election cycle!?
you like democracy right? don't you want to save democracy? also stop asking for better options. there are no better options. you'll eat your damn peas and like it.
Biden’s failure on everything on the right side of that comic had me not voting for that bozo already, the material and ideological support of genocide is just the icing on the shit cake.
it'd be more accurate if Lady Liberty's hands were covered in blood to her elbows.
Not to mention Biden has done none of the other things that Lady Liberty is holding
So.. was the US acting on any of this before recent Israel-Palestine escalations? Why didn't Obama or Biden fix any of these problems despite being voted in by a totally working democracy?