What are your favourite add-ons/extensions on Firefox?
What are your favourite add-ons/extensions on Firefox?
What are your favourite add-ons/extensions on Firefox?
Image / Video
Use ViolentMonkey it's open source and actively developed for Firefox, while TamperMonkey is originally developed for chrome
Thanks for the advice!
Sadly, I knew about that too late and I'm a heavy user of Tampermonkey. It would be painful to migrate now :(.
Thanks for adding the links, you the mvp
What's the difference between uBlock origin and uMatrix?
I cannot answer that properly, I don't really understand them enough. I will add some copy-pasted answer on bottom. But, from a user perspective my experience is:
So I would recommend uBlock origin always and uMatrix only if you are ok with some micro-management page-by-page.
Here it's a copy-paste of the answer from the first link in the google search ublock umatrix differences:
Chris's Wiki :: blog/web/UBlockOriginAndUMatrix
While it's true that uMatrix and uBlock Origin have overlapping functionality (and are written by the same person), they have different purposes and focuses. uBlock Origin's focus is blocking ads and other undesired things as an out of the box experience with little configuration needed. uMatrix's focus is on exerting tight and highly specific control over what resources a page is allowed to load and use, including Javascript and cookies (and requires a lot of configuration).
People still use uMatrix? gorhill archived the uMatrix repo/stopped maintaining it in 2021.
Oh, I had forgotten, I'm going to add a warning to my comment thanks for noticing!
When I was aware of that, I expected it to break at some point. But I didn't find a proper replacement... and it still seems to be working fine.
Thank you for this list! I found several add-ons I never knew I was missing
Links for convenience:
I will definitivaly use the last 2 ones. I don't usually need to mass download images, but it's good to know the Bazzacuda one exists!
One question... do you know if it works with videos?
I don't see anything on the addon page, but it seems weird because the use case is very similar.
I think I don't undestand it properly.
What I meant is: if I have some tabs with one video URL in each of them, it seems trivial to just automate a "click download" for each one of them.
I mean plain MP4 normal URLs with no tricks, like imgur MP4 URLS:
I think there is some misunderstanding... there are a lot of ways of downloading a list of URLs. For videos I use yt-dlp.
I didn't know about IDM/IDX, I asume they are Internet Download Manager and Xtreme Download Manager, right? From what I see those are independent programs and not Firefox add-ons (correct me if I'm wrong).
What I find weird is that, what Bazzacuda can achieve if I have multiple tabs with i.imgur.com/.../...jpg
URLs does not work if I change the jpg
extensions with mp4
. But I'm probably missing something (or not explaining myself properly).
Got it, thanks for the patience :)
It makes the job easier than reverse searching image with Yandex (which is the best method I use).
Regarding reverse image search, this is the bookmarklet I use to lauch 5 different searches at once. On firefox you can set a keyword so I just type rev
on the navbar on a tab with an image.
If the page has more than 1 images, it tries to print a number on each one so you can specify which one you want to search... but that feature doesn't work very well. Removing that, the script would be much more simpler.
javascript:(function() {var url;var args = '%s';var imgs = document.getElementsByTagName("img");var imgIdx = undefined;if (imgs.length == 0) return;if (imgs.length > 1) {if (args.length > 1) imgIdx = parseInt(args[1]);if (imgIdx === undefined || isNaN(imgIdx) || imgIdx < 1 || imgIdx > imgs.length) {numberImgs();imgIdx = parseInt(prompt(`There are ${imgs.length} images, select index:`, 1));}if (isNaN(imgIdx) || imgIdx < 1 || imgIdx > imgs.length) return;url = imgs[imgIdx - 1].src;} else {url = imgs[0].src;}if (!url) return;url = encodeURIComponent(url);window.open("https://saucenao.com/search.php?url=" + url);window.open("https://lens.google.com/uploadbyurl?url=" + url);window.open("https://www.bing.com/images/searchbyimage?cbir=sbi&imgurl=" + url);window.open("https://www.tineye.com/search?url=" + url);window.open("https://yandex.com/images/search?rpt=imageview&url=" + url);function numberImgs() {var imgs = document.getElementsByTagName("img");for (var img = 0; img < imgs.length; img++) {var parent = imgs[img].parentElement;if (!parent) continue;var numberDiv = document.createElement("div");numberDiv.innerHTML = 1 + img;numberDiv.className = "tmpImgNumberDiv";numberDiv.style.position = "absolute";numberDiv.style.padding = "2px 9px 2px 6px";numberDiv.style.background = "#f00";numberDiv.style.color = "#fff";numberDiv.style.zIndex = "9999";numberDiv.style.lineHeight = "normal";parent.prepend(numberDiv);}setTimeout(function() {var imgNumbers = document.getElementsByClassName("tmpImgNumberDiv");var idx = imgNumbers.length - 1;while (idx >= 0) {imgNumbers[idx].remove();idx--;}}, 5000);}})();
The 5 searches it launches are (replacing XXXX with the image URL):
Thanks! These seem useful. I've only used a couple add-ons from your list. Time to try them out now.
Your are awesome for adding links too!