It’s so weird, there’s all these photos on the internet of him looking like an authentic human jerk and then here we are. A financial entity in a patchy flesh suit. Motherfucker made it straight from Silicon Valley to uncanny valley.
same thing with felon, who has the airbrushed-to-fuck Rogue Boyish Charm press photo that usually goes around, and then Weirdo Creep Making Jumping Xs freak as the reality
every so often, gear techs involved with filming interviews can do silently heroic things
I don't know if this is a case of that, but given the skin shine from reflections, whoever set this up wasn't trying overly hard to make him look good. good on 'em
my personal theory is he refused makeup because it's an unnatural affectation that could have compromised his bioengineered skincare immortality routine