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Elon Musk admits that Twitter ‘may fail, as so many have predicted’ /8C4Zb

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  • Elon Musk admits X Twitter 'may fail, as so many have predicted as was planned'

    Seriously, I don't believe for a second that exponentially-scaling douchebag didn't buy Twitter just to crash the fucker. 'Fuck you' money is capable of that, as that linearly-scaled douchebag Terry Bollea proved.

    • I feel he sincerely did what he thought would make the company profitable but because he is shit-for-brains it didn't work out the way he had hoped.

      Edit: He also had a purely ideological agenda as well which was making the platform friendly to extreme right bigots. Thankfully it collided with profit making since it renders the platform too toxic for users and advertisers alike.

      • I think this is correct.

        Also, it’s incredibly ironic because him and all those weirdos like him. The altright, or whatever the fuck they are, “freedom of speech brother!” “Socialism is slavery!” “Crypto will free us!” “Covid was a Chinese hoax!” types of dipshits. They’re like the far right version of what they imagine “woke” liberals to be. I’m not drawing equivalency in the ideologies (obviously), just pointing out that they are, literally, the overly performative, loud, obnoxious virtue signaling people they imagine “woke liberals” to be and mock constantly. Almost like… they’re projecting. Hmm.

        And there’s another saying amongst the right wingers… “go woke, go broke.” Welp. It turns out they were their own snake eating their own ass on that one. They smoked too of their own stash. Drank their own Koolaid. Shot themselves in the fucking head.

    • I think he’s just incredibly stupid. When trying to figure out someone’s actions just consider what motivates them. Elon desperately wants people to adore him. He probably really thought he could buy a giant media-adjacent outlet and turn it into a machine to churn out pro-him propaganda. Obviously he misunderstood many variables though, the first of which being that unlike a newspaper or TV network, the owner of Twitter doesn’t create or really control the content created and put out. I mean, he can and does censor certain stuff now, and Twitter always has but in the past it did lean more towards banning Nazi shit which was better. But in general, people are gonna do what they and no matter how much he boosts his dedicated blue psychos it can’t overcome the that right wing shit just isn’t popular outside of a small subset of the people. You can’t make an entire website dedicated to advocating for the deaths of transkids and expect it to be popular. He bought into the BS hype around the right wing in general. They mistake rigging “democratic elections” (gerrymandering, voter suppression, etc.) as proof of their popularity. No, it just proves they can rig shit and people are ignorant and/or apathetic. Polling proves repeatedly that even burger munching Americans are pro-socialist type programs when not poisoned with the word itself (poisoned due to a life of indoctrination to get a knee jerk NO if they hear it).

    • He is terminally online tweeting why would he destroy it 😐 he freaking loves twitter

    • Okay let’s say this is true. He’s colossally stupid then because he’s using his Tesla stock as collateral. Which is the bulk of his wealth.

    • That's very generous but I think he's just this incompetent and stupid. He's probably going to try his best to spin it as intentional now and especially after it becomes impossible to ignore any longer.

    • My uninformed opinion on this is that he is so immensely rich that Twitter doesn't really need to be profitable in the long term anyway. Kinda like how YouTube usually operates at loss, but on Hitler's drug cocktail. It may bite him in the ass eventually because his whole house of cards of "real life Tony Stark" seems to be waning, but I think he's about as likely to become bankrupt as Yankee student loans are to be forgiven.

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