Kent Cigarettes (with the Micronite a.k.a. asbestos filter), Life Magazine, 1953
Kent Cigarettes (with the Micronite a.k.a. asbestos filter), Life Magazine, 1953
Kent Cigarettes (with the Micronite a.k.a. asbestos filter), Life Magazine, 1953
From the Wikipedia page:
From March 1952 until at least May 1956, however, the Micronite filter in Kent cigarettes contained compressed blue asbestos within the crimped crepe paper, which is the most carcinogenic type of asbestos. It has been suspected that many cases of mesothelioma have been caused specifically by smoking the original Kent cigarettes, and various lawsuits followed over the years because of it.
Jesus Christ.
In multiple research laboratories and independent firms, KENT is proving additional benefits in health protection.
And they wonder why everyone’s so darn cynical
Its in print. You can’t lie in print.
This sounds so similar to today's "new and improved" tritan water bottles that contain no bisphenol A.
Riboflavin isn’t real, man
When ordinary cancer is not enough... double-dose.
"Yo dawg, I heard you like cancer..."
Probably why my bio parent has emphysema and couldn't walk more than three steps without having to rest and catch their breath, last time I saw them.
That's how you get asbestos for crafting in Fallout 76 too, heh and sad for the health issues of course. Maybe one day we'll figure out how to not kill ourselves for commercialism. I sort of assume we didn't know then but it wouldn't surprise me if their research team did eyes oil companies
As modern day, we know that no filter actually help with cigarettes.
Just quit smoking.
There are some filter made in CN. So, people put another filter on top of default filter, think it will reduce harm.
Unfortunately, perhaps some filter add another stuff that might cause cancer on top of cigarette.
So, why Micronite filter a big deal ? How it effect ?