Caffeinated Glory
Caffeinated Glory
Caffeinated Glory
Clearly a fake, all the names are written correctly
The Starbucks logo suggests this was in one of their Klingon franchises
And they wrote it in a weak HUMAN language??
The joy of going to Starbucks with an Irish name like Caoimhe or Saoirse.
My name contains seven silent letters...
There’s this YouTube channel about aviation that I like. The guy’s name is Ruairidh MacVeigh. The last name is obvious, but his first name is apparently pronounced as ‘Rory’. I would not have gotten that spelling correct in a million years.
Edit: oh and another one that I do know to write and pronounce is Siobhan. That one does NOT sound like what you think it does. Definitely look it up if any readers are not familiar with Irish names.
I still don't understand why Starbucks write your name on drinks. Literally everyone else in the world just calls out the order and you pick it up. It's usually the next one unless you've ordered something ultra complicated anyway.
Combine that with the fact that they can't have small medium and large and have to call everything by weird names and I refuse to go in. Same way with Subway, don't want to have to decide what kind of tomato sauce filling I want in my sandwich, I just want an effing sandwich.
The Klingon version of the Starbucks mermaid is just awesome.
Yes! Would be a great sticker
I can't believe this, it should have the wrong name, like Ralph, or Rorf (Worf, with an r). The rest stays.
Mr Woof was used on the show.
Lwaxana the space boomer: casually racist and sexual harasser.
Ralph! Ralph, your iced coffee as cold as served revenge is ready! Ralph?
Eew union buster and horrible flavor
Did Worf describe himself as being of the House of Rozhenko? I don't remember that. I assume it was after he repaired relations with his adoptive parents and brother
He did it in an episode of Picard
Thanks. I totally don't remember that.
Whenever I'm confronted with the demand to provide my name, I pick John or Jen, depending on my whim, since the majority of humanity appears incapable of spelling my name, let alone pronouncing it.
That's my name, and no, I'm not related to Yoko and that's not how you pronounce it, also, it's not Oh-no.
Try: "On" followed by "No". Then do it without a break. See. That wasn't so hard.
So, forgive me for being more than slightly sceptical about the genuine nature of this coffee cup being actually adorned in this way by the person behind the counter at that coffee shop.
My wife has a very common name so she puts the order in under Bowie, as in David Bowie.
Apparently one of our local Starbucks has an employee with that spelling as their first name but instead of bow being pronounced like in bow and arrow it is bow like in bow wow.
Hot damn this hard to explain in text.
You mean like the bow of a boat.
One employee with a head cold away from being called "unknown sample".
Now do one for Daenerys.