He got fucking dragged by Trumpworld after he resigned over Trump's stance on Afghanistan (or was it the Kurds?), it was probably one of the most severe about-faces I've ever seen from conservatives about one man. Went from a Marine's Marine, a warrior-scholar, to a complete disgrace to the Corps as far as they're concerned.
Really cemented my view of Trump as a cult of personality when I saw that narrative, and the base eating it up, in real time.
As a european watching those 'maga' cult followers is disturbing. In the 1930s 'some guy' in Germany also rallied huge crowds cheering for him, no matter what he said or did. That same guy survived a assasination attempt.
Sure, "politicians". This is clearly a bOtH SiDeS issue! Except... Where are all the people who served on Biden's staff and why are they not saying similar things? What about Obama? Harris is the presumptive Nominee, where are the people who used to support her now calling her a danger? Hmm...
This is what happens when a party elects someone who has never been in politics. Not a mayor, a governor, a senator nor congressman. Just a conman celebrity so called billionaire.
Really by the people for the people huh.
They all realised that actually, he’s absolutely not qualified for anything to do with government in the slightest.
"Divide and conquer" came from the Romans. ancient Greece.
The maxim divide et impera has been attributed to Philip II of Macedon. It was utilised by the Roman ruler Julius Caesar and the French emperor Napoleon... (Wikipedia)
Exactly. I just looked it up to be extra sure, the wording itself is at least as old as Machiavelli and the strategy as old as antiquity. (Let's be honest, probably even prehistory).
The Nazis were delusional, but even in their wildest dreams they didn't plan to conquer the United States.
Americans are so historically illiterate, it hurts.