Children's drawings of Fidel Castro (and José Martí). Museum in Havana, Cuba
Children's drawings of Fidel Castro (and José Martí). Museum in Havana, Cuba
There is no chin behind Castro's beard, there's only more smiling kids
16 0 Reply:anime-castro:
15 0 ReplyThe bottom right picture looks Picasso-esque... promising!
14 0 Replybiiiiiiig head Marti
13 0 ReplyNew emoji material just dropped.
11 0 ReplyPermanently Deleted
9 0 ReplyCastro going to the guinness book of world records headquarters and getting a beard made of bees but the bees are cute kids
9 0 ReplyFirst of all, those are some pretty talented kids.
Second, big head man is fucking awesome and the kid that drew it is a budding Picasso.
6 0 ReplyLmao who is the guy getting shot on the horse? Is that Bautista or just some rando gusano?
4 0 ReplyPretty sure it's José Martí. He died during the battle of Two Rivers against the Spanish, they shot him and his horse during a battle.
11 0 Reply