Having friends and socializing is fun, but I don't necessarily want to do it for 5 consecutive hours. Even at a party, it's nice to take a break and let my mind rest for a bit.
Nah, you see stuff like this because it's counter to a lot of people. Noisy wheel etc. I like socializing with friends, but also have a limited social battery. Geberally that just means I don't attend things I don't want to, but there have been times where circumstance has put me in situations that I could identify with the comic.
Still, a comic that's just a straight portrayal of people enjoying normal stuff isn't going to get much traction or be interesting, which is why you'll see stuff like this more. It isn't a representative of the actual whole sample of people here, it's just the more unique post that will get attention from people who don't feel as noticed or understood in their real life.
In my experience, you're describing a bar or club more than a party. Most of the parties I've been at were well lit and music at a volume that allowed for conversation.
In the US, may want to wait until Halloween is over. Many shelters won't allow them for a period of time due to high return rate or risk of abuse. Btw, void kitties are some of the best kitties!
I'm a black tux dude myself, but the CDS gave me a dilute calico tux last time I went to the shelter. I didn't have much choice in the matter she chose me the moment I walked in the door.
Cats are awesome, no doubt! And I totally get the appeal of chilling with a furry friend over small talk. But here's a thought: people who want to get to know you are pretty cool too.
Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that other humans aren't just NPCs in our personal storyline. They've got their own complex lives, hopes, dreams, and probably some wild stories to share if we give them a chance.Getting to know both the cats AND the people (and dogs too!) can really enrich your life. Each interaction, whether it's with a purring kitty or a fellow partygoer, adds a little something to who you are. So maybe try not to avoid either?
(Unless you're allergic, of course. Then by all means, stick to the non-sneezy option!)
why would she go to the part in the first place? i mean, i go to parties because i'm not an anxiety ridden social introvert, but it seems like if you're one of those weirdos you would just stay at home and play with your own cat.
EDIT: yes downvoters, i realize i struck a nerve with my logic. sorry about your fee fees.