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  • And in a move not seen since Father Stone last visited Craggy Island, America said with a straight face and tone: "Okay."

    We need to get our shit together.

    • I want a new end to end encrypted standard to either add on to or replace MMS.

      Maybe also find a way to secure SS7 if that's even possible

  • Maybe China is hacking into US telecoms, but this article provides no actual evidence to back up this claim. Its citations are a WSJ article which only sources a chain of other WSJ articles and a WaPo article which doesn't provide any sources at all.

  • “Unlike some of the European countries where you might have a single telco, our networks are a hodgepodge of old networks. […] The big networks are combinations of a whole series of acquisitions, and you have equipment out there that’s so old it’s unpatchable.”

    ... I'm very confused by their stupidity. If it's "too old to patch", then get a new one, just like everyone else has to do with aging computers and phones. Yeah, it's expensive, but you can afford it.

    Edit: autocorrect. Autocorrect gets me a lot lol