China Wiretaps Americans in 'Worst Hack in Our Nation's History'
China Wiretaps Americans in 'Worst Hack in Our Nation's History'
America's aging infrastructure seems to be the culprit.
America's aging infrastructure seems to be the culprit.
China Wiretaps Americans in 'Worst Hack in Our Nation's History'
America's aging infrastructure seems to be the culprit.
America's aging infrastructure seems to be the culprit.
NSA spies on Americans
Chinese intelligence agency spies on NSA
NSA: "Wait, you aren't supposed to do that"
Hey guys, China hacked our domestic spy infrastructure. We didn't see this coming, like at all. Oops.
Turns out when you put a fucking back door in stuff so you can use it, eventually someone else finds it.
The hackers were able to listen to phone calls and read text messages, reportedly exploiting the system U.S. authorities use to wiretap Americans in criminal cases.
Oh no, the predictable consequences of violating privacy. Anyway don't let me get in the way of any China bad posting from this
I'm not federated with the person replying to you, so I just wanna tell them here not to narrate their pithy little dismissals, it's dork shit.
No shit...they have been completely focused on technological and economic warfare and social engineering.
Does this mean they have all of my dick pics and vids?
Consider it backup.
And in a move not seen since Father Stone last visited Craggy Island, America said with a straight face and tone: "Okay."
We need to get our shit together.
I want a new end to end encrypted standard to either add on to or replace MMS.
Maybe also find a way to secure SS7 if that's even possible
Maybe China is hacking into US telecoms, but this article provides no actual evidence to back up this claim. Its citations are a WSJ article which only sources a chain of other WSJ articles and a WaPo article which doesn't provide any sources at all.
Use encrypted messagers.
So you’re telling me that my wireless dildo isn’t encrypted?
Oh brother!
“Unlike some of the European countries where you might have a single telco, our networks are a hodgepodge of old networks. […] The big networks are combinations of a whole series of acquisitions, and you have equipment out there that’s so old it’s unpatchable.”
... I'm very confused by their stupidity. If it's "too old to patch", then get a new one, just like everyone else has to do with aging computers and phones. Yeah, it's expensive, but you can afford it.
Edit: autocorrect. Autocorrect gets me a lot lol
Fuck! That's not good.
I think the opposite. They are bound to use the data to train an AI. In doing so they are about to create the stupidest thing that ever exsisted.
I wonder where the Chinese government got all that money to create technology to spy on America? Oh wait, it was the Americans spending all their money on goods imported from China.
Well and they don't blow up 46 bombs a day. That savings really adds up over time.
Globalization is a bet positive. The US benefits off of trade as well.