Map of Eastern Europe and Western Europe
Map of Eastern Europe and Western Europe
Map of Eastern Europe and Western Europe
For those wondering: you need one of those red/green glasses to see the actual picture.
Thanks, now I can finally see the map of Europe in 3D. Now, which is the West and which is the East?
Well done, op. This is fuckin terrible.
Most are divided by a straight line but Denmark and Greece aren't.
Nor is switzerland for some reason
Probably the first two countries that were coloured in and then OP just gave up.
I hear West Norweden is a nice place to visit.
There is some surprisingly reasonably good attention to detail with the likes of Northern Ireland and Corsica.
Bulgaria is glitching out
I'm unreasonably upset they didn't troll finland
I've always dreamed of visiting Northern Western Ireland. Too bad there's a war in Southern Eastern Europe.
Eastern Italy is huge!
Coming from eastern europe and having been to Italy multiple times - that is surprisingly accurate. Italians are much more eastern than western in spirit.
I mean, it's accurate to a point. Western Ukraine is like, "woo 🇪🇺 western civ!" Meanwhile, to the west of western Ukraine, eastern Moldova is like "Do svidaniya 🇷🇺 comrades!"
Greece had some territorial changes while the map was being drawn
I love those that almost aline but don't or where two reds (almost) meet.