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  • The crazy thing is we used to go after people over rumors that they were communist. The DOJ and other government agencies would steam roll people's careers, and make life miserable for the mere accusation of being communist (whether it was true or not). But a legit attempted coup to stay in power goes un-prosecuted.

    The second he started making moves to stay in power after losing the election, he should have been arrested. In what sane world do you re-elect that person and then tell them they're now immune from prosecution.

    It's the equivalent of a 5th grade I'm rubber you're glue argument.

    • I suspect that the reason Jack Smith dropped charges was so that jeopardy would not be attached. I'm not a lawyer but reading his statement read as an indictment against the Justice Department and the federal court system, begging them to either codify into law that Presidents are king or get rid of the rule to not charge sitting Presidents.

      And I would be remissed if I didn't remind everyone that there is nothing in the Constitution saying Trump can't serve his criminal sentence in a state prison while also serving his term as president.

    • The DOJ and other government agencies would steam roll people’s careers, and make life miserable for the mere accusation of being communist (whether it was true or not). But a legit attempted coup to stay in power goes un-prosecuted.

      Yes, but that was directed at the left. The criminals in this case are right wingers, and therefore, it's fine. That's the inherent bias in the system.

      Of course when the teabagging qanon magabrains go on about the "deep state", they are crying because they feel the system is not tilted ENOUGH against the left, probably because things like COINTELPRO etc had a bit of blowback and the schemes against the left receded just a tiny bit...everything with them is projection; if they see that the instruments of the state are not crushing the left, they assume it means they have their boot on the neck of the right (LOL, as if).

    • The crazy thing is we used to go after people over rumors that they were communist.

      It was as clear then as it is now: right wing authoritarians will use any excuse to prosecute, jail, intimidate, and eradicate leftist values. They despise dissent, and cannot tolerate free thought or the exercise of rights against their power.

      They're paranoid, fearful, unhinged, and they're coming for us again with the desperate grasp of a narcissist on their deathbed.

  • I mean it's not hard to know what happens when accountability isn't a thing anymore.

    Spoiler Alert: everything turns to shit.

    Why should we obey laws if our leader is a convicted felon who gets to bypass the punishment phase? Why should we ever respond to a jury summons for a sham justice system? Why should we pay taxes when our leader is a tax cheat?

    Nothing matters now.

  • next four years? i'm pretty sure with the damage trump and his minions in, let me get this right, The Judicial, Legislative, and Executive branches of the United States Government squarely in control of Republicans, whatever we have four years from now, will in no way resemble what we've all grown up with and been taught about what America is, or was. what happened on November 5th is nothing short of destruction. so many people are about to die in so many placed by domestic and foreign, most will act shocked. i watched a million americans die from a purposefully inept and sandbagged global pandemic response, and that was before trump knew where all the buttons and levers are.

  • And did you know if you were caught and you were Smoking crack,
    McDonald's wouldn't even want to take you back
    You could always just run for mayor of D.C.​