Rule rule
Rule rule
Rule rule
When I came into my job, my role was to create a new engineering department. I was inheriting 4 engineers from other departments. The company wanted me to create a "Working agreement" for this entire department, and gave me some examples. They were full of extra micromanage-y level things. Bullshit like how long bathroom breaks are, and how you conduct yourself in a meeting.
I wrote a working agreement just like the meme above (except instead of "Don't be a Dick" it was "Be an Adult").
Got the engineers to agree, on boarded 20 more engineers, and two years later, we have the highest happiness rating/productivity in the company and the CTO wants to know my secret.
Elon (for all of his modern failings) had a catchphrase a while back that went something like: "the best part is no part; the best process is no process". The problem is that this doesn't always scale, particularly once lawyers get involved. You have been lucky 😀
There's a difference here.
Processes is HOW you do something. We have lots of processes. Like don't deploy on Fridays. Don't break something and disappear. Merge requests require another set of eyes. Etc.
Its all bundled into the "Be an adult". It's NOT a process, it's a state of mind - a working agreement.
If you need that level of micromanaging where specific details needs to be codified, then this department isn't for you.
I trust people not to be dumb fucks. And those who are get let go. The rest of the department is pretty happy to be working with competent adults.
Huh. Might be the smartest thing he has ever said
the CTO wants to know my secret.
"I once took too much cocaine and punched a hobo to death. Oh you mean my secret to keep my coworkers happy? Ecstasy."
90% of Lemmy communities
Its been...
0 (ZERO)
...days since a new rule has been added.
(In comparison, it's been 28,967 days since an atomic weapon was used in hostility.)
Kid named Richard: