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  • Finished Bodyguard (the 2018 series, completely unrelated to the 90's movie), was an excellent watch.

    Started Squid Game S02 last night - I wasn't a fan of the first season, but my wife wanted to see how it continues. Two episodes in and I still don't really like it.

    • Squid game s02 first 2 epis are super slow and boring. It gets a bit better after that.

  • Star Trek Enterpise, I'm about half way through the first season.

    The new Warlockracy video, and then it just keep autoplaying his other videos and that was fine.

  • We watched No Good Deed on Netflix. It's quite good with the guy from everybody loves Raymond and the one woman from Friends.

  • Snowfall, going to watch the finale today. And squid game, season 2. It's weird though, it feels like there are 2 episodes missing.

    • i quit squid game 2 midway through ep5. it really was that bad.

      • Yeah it was a watch for me because I was bored, not because it kept my attention. I've seen every corner of Lemmy during watching it haha

  • Haven't watched much of anything outside of whatever my dad has on TV, but I plan to start watching Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog (the goofy Sonic Says one, not SatAM) soon. Can't wait to watch it for one of my favorite versions of Tails.