Conservative Maoists?
Conservative Maoists?
Conservative Maoists?
It's this.
In Germany, we have the so-called horse shoe theory: very left and very right politics share similar approaches, maybe motivated from different ideas.
This explains a lot in German left politics (BSW)
IMO the horseshoe theory isn't as accurate as the fishhook theory.
Not that any of this is at all meaningful. It's literally just pictures.
AKA, "spending 90% of your time and effort retraining new short-time recruits and never actually getting anything done."
I wonder what mechanisms, legal or otherwise, they have in mind to exempt rich white people from such responsibilities.
They will manage a farm and crack the whip ofc.
They fully intend to sit on porches drinking mint juleps.
The Venn diagram of the cultural revolution and MAGA is the same as a picture of a total eclipse...
Just like far right Christian fundamentalists, far right Islamist fundemtalists, and far right Jewish fundementalists all want basically the same laws, they just want to be the ones in power.
They squabble over details, but in general their end goals are identical
My "moderately conservative" Jewish relatives accidentally quote Nazis recently. Pointing that out makes them very upset. Apparently it's my fault when they say Nazi-things.
Well stated.
It’s ok to skip past democracy and human rights as long as it’s my awesome philosophy being forced on the unwilling.
Surely the free market will solve this labor problem.
It did, but the solution was too brown
Uk Tories tried to bring in national service but with enough money we could pay to avoid getting drafted. Essentially national service for the poor.
It's not a communist idea because Hitler did that too. And if Hitler did it, it must be OK, right?
Authoritarian nationalists all end up sounding the same..
I'm fine with this. I'm also fine with a mandatory year of military service. FORCE people to live how the other half lives. Be a lot less whining and crying, from both sides, if we all had common, and difficult, experiences.
Do it like Starship Troopers (the book). There's a place for everyone to serve, no matter their abilities. Won't serve your country for a lousy year? Fuck you, no franchise.
Nothing like shared hardship to get people singing from the same sheet. It's how every military since forever has done it.
The moment you force anything on your citizens, you are no longer a free country. Forced labor is slavery. Forced military service is nothing less.
Do it like Starship Troopers (the book).
Bro you can just say "I think fascism is a great idea" at that point.
Oh no, no no no. Because then they simply choose who serves.
Always has been