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  • Or do this and save a few bucks.
    One day out of the blue, I received a text message, "Dude... I just received my 13lb block of cheese!!"

    No idea who sent it. Wasn't even an area code I recognized. But 10 years later, my wife and I still reference it. That one text has taken top-tier residence in my brain, and the person who sent it didn't need to go to the store to buy watermelons or go out at night making deliveries.

    • Did you at least send "Nice." back? That's an impressive amount of cheese.

  • For a while a friend of mine would occasionally buy a bunch of muffins from the grocery store, put googly eyes on them, and drive around town leaving ones at random doorsteps.

  • I think Durians would be more memorable, especially if you smash them a bit and let them start rotting before you drop them off.