Trekwing Duck
Trekwing Duck
Trekwing Duck
Man, I'm about to be a grump, but Trek ruined the whole Captain catchphrase thing the instant it acknowledged it as a moment.
It was iconic because it happened a lot, but nobody was afraid to have someone else say it or for the person in charge to say something else. The moment they put a spotlight on it as fan service it became silly and jumped the shark.
Darkwing still could get away with this one, though.
I’m halfway with you. I thought it was cute the first time they did it. It suited Saru’s character to be stressing out over something so unimportant.
But then they brought it up again in Picard and again in SNW, and now it seems like everyone in starfleet is super invested in their captains’ incidental verbal ticks. The joke worked once and once only, but they keep going back to it.
Yeah, self referencial humor has never been part of ST.
Man, you so rarely see a straw man argument include an actual straw man. Kudos. That's a lot of meta for a single post. It's like nerdier rickrolling. I'm genuinely impressed.
I gave up in Discovery. PLEASE tell me she didn't stick with "Let's Fly"
They did. Not even once does it sound natural or like a thing she just says. They always stop and make it a close up and take a beat and she says it with extreme intensity.
I don't think Disco is as bad as people make it out to be. I quite like most of it, in fact. But man, did they mess that part up.
“I am the day-old raktajino you accidentally drink in the morning…”
Seriously Disney, where is it. (Seth Rogan directed reboot)
One "Aye" is sufficient Mr Ortegas.
“DW will do in a crunch.”
"Make the ship go"
when there's trouble you call DW
Miles O’Brien in the chair after a field commission to captain on an engineering vessel: “Time to suffer, I guess.”
(Personally, though, I head cannon that O’Brien eventually gets the nickname “Non-com Admiral”.)
Aye aye, Captain
It's honestly cringe how NuTrek has been trying to make this a thing. No, Picard didn't say "engage" because it was a catchphrase. It was never a catchphrase. It's a standard command and we see other commanding officers give the exact same order.