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  • PTB.

    What you're saying is accurate and relevant; you are clearly not trolling, contrariwise to the claim in the modlog. Your tone isn't even impolite, it's simply dry. And it's geared towards the article, not towards other users.

  • PTB. At most this should have been a removal (like if they assumed you were trolling without looking into all the details) which may have simply been a CLM situation.

  • The article is very upfront about those details - that quote is right below the headline.

    At no point does it claim or imply that renewables are ready to provide 100% of the state's energy. It clearly explains that this is a new record, never saying more than that.

    Your tone is needlessly aggressive and you're accusing the article of misrepresenting something it never tried to represent in the first place.

    If you're honestly not trolling, your post looks unfortunately similar to trolling.