Reminder that there's no "it's too late, its over" for climate change
Reminder that there's no "it's too late, its over" for climate change
Reminder that there's no "it's too late, its over" for climate change
Or in other words, there’s no problem so bad we can’t make it worse!
Right. There is a "too late" to prevent any catastrophic climate change, and we're well beyond that. But there is no "too late" to making it less bad than it will be assuming we don't do something.
The plane is going down. We still have some control, and we can aim for a softer landing, but everyone needs to assume the crash position and stop pretending we didn't cause a crash.
Most importantly, people need to stop dying when a plane goes down. Just say no.
Actually, there is a limit to the amount of CO2 the atmosphere can hold. We'd be well and truly cooked by that point, but yeah. There is technically a point where we can't make it worse.
Saved by a technicality
While I believe this is absolutely true, there is also a very real point we have seen in virtually all of our studies where we're fucked pretty much no matter what. It's just a matter of how fucked at a certain point. But I guess that's the sentiment being expressed here, just much more gently.
No climate path is "pure", but every business-as-usual path is more evil than the one with less emissions.
what about tipping points though? the point where climate change accelerates itself? surely it's over then
Theoretically we could find a way to reverse things before we're all dead.
So we can achieve 3.95C instead of 4C. Big difference that'll make...
Yes, because those 0.05K might be the difference between certain disasters occurring or not. Certain disasters are so bad that we lose control over temperature because of something feedback loops.
We'd be lucky to limit it that much. Instead we have decided slowing down fossil fuel extraction would hurt profits and we can't have that.
Well, we can achieve much better than either of those two if there's political will. But given 3.95C or 4C I know which I'd pick, and aren't many western conveniences I wouldn't trade for even that small improvement.
Some say it's black and white which it is not. White is over, we aim for light gray to avoid black on any cost