What are you looking forward to 2025?
What are you looking forward to 2025?
What are you looking forward to 2025?
More unemployment and potentially financial ruin
I have a pretty cool cat, so there's that I guess.
The equivalent of the Sino-Soviet split occurring in the western capitalist world with the US breaking ranks with their vassals.
Getting my motorcycle learners permit, surprising my wife in 2 weeks with a resort vacation, maybe (hopefully) buying my first motorcycle in the summer, receiving my VIRPIL flight yoke in spring, going to Banff for my best friend’s wedding, watching the American empire collapse.
working and progressing, learning, staying healthy
Get my degree
Hoping for more visitations from Saint Luigi upon certain people. Shit is bad out here.
Be the Luigi you want to see in the world.
Building a house. Accomplishing goals towards all the dreams of eco friendly and carbon negative inside and out. Then showing others how, selling and doing it again, or somehow spreading the carbon negative practices by installing low maintence systems. Profit for the sake of repeating the process. Carbon negative for all!
Finishing my masters
Good for you! What a journey.
Friend's birthday party tomorrow
What are you gifting them?
Finding a way to time travel
Switch 2 Launch, even though it will be 3-5 years before I end up getting one at least
I was originally hoping to move out my Mom's this year, but I have increasing doubts I will be able to do that in the time frame that I want
finishing my to dos three months earlier ;)
The only things I can come up with so far are birthdays, holidays, vacations, etc. Nothing actually specific to 2025.
I guess I'm looking forward to eventually buying a new laptop, but that's not really year specific either.
So I guess my answer is it ending. Same for the next 3 after it.
New car
I look forward to the toilet.
Things get awkward and messy when I look backwards.
So cool! What's the app for? (If you are cool with sharing)
New casual gaming platform, using on-device AI. Hope to have something to share and get feedback in a few weeks.
Nintendo Switch 2
Spending time with loved ones.