Even though it's Swiss: Fuck Nestle.
Even though it's Swiss: Fuck Nestle.
๐ฎ๐น ๐ฎ๐น ๐ฎ๐น Vive l'Italie ! ๐ฎ๐น ๐ฎ๐น ๐ฎ๐น
Even though it's Swiss: Fuck Nestle.
๐ฎ๐น ๐ฎ๐น ๐ฎ๐น Vive l'Italie ! ๐ฎ๐น ๐ฎ๐น ๐ฎ๐น
Oetker is also shit but less evil, I guess?
How about fuck all that nasty ass processed crap? Or is it only wrong when the Americans do it?
No fuck it. I'll never understand how people are so obsessed with something like nutella so much that they don't even care what it is. I'm pretty sure most people you ask tell you it's chocolate. It's palm oil hazelnut shit.
"Hey siri, give me a list of all the terrorist and militant groups that have killed more innocent people and destabilized more countries in a fragile position than Nestle willingly has purely in the pursuit of more profit?"
I have a godly pizza recipe
Ingredients for the dough: 400 g flour (type 500 or 00) 280 ml water 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 teaspoon salt 8 g fresh yeast DOUGH PREPARATION Pizza dough preparation process: Mix water, which should be at room temperature, with olive oil. Add salt and crumble the yeast. Stir to dissolve the yeast and let stand for about 10 minutes. Pour the mixture into a bowl with flour and knead for about 20 minutes to obtain a soft, smooth and elastic dough. If necessary, you can add a little more water or flour while kneading. Shape the kneaded dough into a smooth loaf. Place it in a floured bowl and cover well so that it does not dry out during the rising process. First, let the dough rise for one hour at room temperature, then transfer it to the refrigerator for 48 hours. After 48 hours, remove it from the refrigerator and let it rise for one hour at room temperature. Then take the dough out of the bowl and divide it into two loaves, if desired, for two pizzas. Brush the tops of the loaves with olive oil, cover with clear plastic wrap and let rise for another hour. Stretch the risen dough with your hands, forming a circle with your palms, from the center to the edge. To make it easier, you can also oil your hands a little. Finally, use your fingers to form a few millimeters thick edge. Note: The dough can also rise overnight or for 24 hours.
Bake on 270ยฐC preferably on a pizza stone if you have one.
I mean no one's replacing Dr oetker frozen pizzas with home made, the whole point of them is they're pretty cheap and you can throw them in the oven for a quick meal. Not saying you shouldn't make home made pizzas, these frozen ones are not good and also not very healthy, but I don't think this is one of those things you can directly replace with a home made version, the home made you'll make for a proper dinner or something. Maybe replace the frozen pizzas with something else that's equally quick/easy but more home made though.
My goto frozen pizza "hack", just get the cheapest most basic pizza margherita, skip known brands and go for the housebrand/offbrand.
Buy some quality toppings and add them, like a spicey salami, aged cheese, etc.
I mean, i do. It's quickly made if you buy the dough.
Then again, since i live alone, i started to assess meals by their nutritional value vs. calories, since you can only eat so much a day and i want to lose weight. It's second nature now and that might not be typical.
The right answer.
Vive l'Italie? Is this French?
Dr Oetker is european; and it isn't Nestlรจ
so that's two points it has over Wagner :)
Dr Oerker was founded by a nazi. Probably still controlled and owned by nazis. Check Wikipedia for their family history.
Edit: not all German companies, this one specifically, check my answer below for details. Also some companies supported and profited from the nazi regime but aren't affiliated anymore. They changed ownership, renounced their past and the ideology and eventually made reparations. I don't believe this is the case with Dr Oetker but I would be happy to be proven wrong.
as an avid frozen pizza enjoyer, both of these suck, taste wise
Dr Oetker is miserable
which ones don't suck, MR frozen pizza connoisseur?
ok I admit I had to look up how to spell connoisseur so these forthcoming pizzas better be the bees knees.
This one sucks the least.
Of course nothing beats the absolute cheapest pizza you can find at the discounter when you're having a LAN party.
well, even the best frozen pizza is still just a frozen pizza, but i prefer Die Ofenfrische. cheap and delicious
If you can get these, these are the best by a good margin: https://gustavo-gusto.de/en/
Grandiosa has the best frozen pizzas.
Doubt you can find outside the US but the only frozen one I'd ever touch is table 87
We were feeling more united than ever is this community but you decided to start a fight with our Italian friends? Why???
Envy :((
Dr.Oetker is the shit anyway iykyk
Dr Oetker Tradizionale or Suprema are my Pizza of choice.
The Ristorante, not so much.
Dr Oetker Tradizionale
schmeck ich, especially this one:
I don't think I've ever even seen the top one.
At least pick the Casa di Mama line from Dr Oetker
)Looks like whats called "Die Ofenfrische" in Germany.
I love the Ristorante line of their pizzas. Sadly the store I usually buy stuff from no longer sells my favourite one.
They all taste like crap though.
Came here to suggest an alternative: Crosta & Mollica
As far as I can tell they're even from Italy.
We kinda get the best of both worlds: we just get the bases and make what we want so the speed of a ready made pizza, but the flavours of home made.
But still, NO PINEAPPLE !!
But still, NO PINEAPPLE !!
You're one of those sociopaths that puts kiwi on your pizza aren't you?!
Yes pineapple, in moderation.
The meme is funny, but also quite silly. Contrasting savory and sweet tastes is a staple of Italian cuisine.
My supermarket sells these and they are superior to all other frozen pizzas I had.
The Crosta & Mollica Stromboli has ruined all other pizza for me. It's infinitely superior to everything except perhaps a genuine Italian fresh from the pizza oven.
By the way: For making really good pizza oneself, this video (German, 27 minutes) looked to me like the guy gives really solid instructions. (I haven't tried it though, and it's a multi-day project.)
multi-day project
Hmm, I'm hungry
Those Big City pizzas taste like cardboard anyway.
I learned from my wife to make pizza myself, just get the powder and make the dough from it and so on.. Much tastier
What kind of pizza are you making from powder?! And what kind of powder are you using? Baby powder? Talcum powder?
Im a fresh Sodebo pizza enjoyer myself.
Iโve never heard of that too one. Whereโs it from?
Bwahhh frozen pizza. My order of pizzas is:
Explains your lack of response to my Frozen Pizza Pandemonium Party invite.
Can I join the pandemonium instead?
I'll order some if I want to be bankrupt, I suppose
I mean you this won't fix the fact that it's a fucking Hawaiian pizza. Y'all are philistines.
Let's be honest, all frozen pizza suck. The ones that are sold pre-made, even the white label brand ones (still european) are way better.
Jesus, keep your weird British tastes to yourself
WTF dude
May I introduce you to calzone...