Win win
Win win
Win win
Insurance fraud is cool now?
Hyundai EVs really are good. They made absolutely terrible gas cars but chose the transition to EVs to make new company out of themselves and they did an absolutly incredible job. They make some of the best EVs in the market.
Do NOT set your own car on fire. They will notice every marker pointing at you! Instead, incompetently park in a visible area that is poorly lit at night, perhaps a Trump sticker. Maybe an anti-trans or pro racism sticker! Really REALLY scummy stuff. Get a custom plate that says ''YBMC'' or something else horrid. Really egg them on. What you really want is a total stranger you have never interacted with. Police fail to identify 90% of crimes that don't have a personal motivation to known victim and perpitraitor.
I traded mine in. Was underwater by 10k. Fuck me, but fuck Elon more.
The irony here is that Hyundai models built 2019 - 2023 have an issue where they'll spontaneously combust.
There is a whole bunch of regulatory stuff that's been spun up for EVs over the past 7 years or so.
I have no idea if Hyundai had something out of the ordinary happen, but the public is generally very slow to change and are a bit hyper vigilant. Add in the fact that the press loves a good boogieman to get clicks and you'll see some of the EV mess.
Are they safer than ICE? Yes. Should that stop there? No.
With an average of 16 EV and hybrid fires per year, there's a 1 in 38,000 chance of fire. There are a total of roughly 4.4 million gas- and diesel-powered passenger vehicles in Sweden, with an average of 3,384 fires per year, for a 1 in 1,300 chance of fire. That means gas- and diesel-powered passenger vehicles are 29 times more likely to catch fire than EVs and hybrids.
Hyundai and Kia always has something out of the ordinary happen. My model was an ICE with two major flaws: one meant that the engine was liable to catastrophically fail and catch on fire at around 90k miles, and the other made it so stealing them was literally child's play. Kids were making TikToks on how to steal them..
Hyundais just aren't good cars. They cut corners to the max, and when shit goes south just try to gaslight everyone involved. I'm highly skeptical that their EVs are high quality, because their ICE models were shitboxes.
As a should buy a Honda.
As an owner of both, my 2020 Ioniq BEV easily feels better than my previous civic, and my Subaru (though I'd want the suby for anything challenging terrain-related). Best car I've owned.
I don't know. My runner up was an Ioniq 5. A shame it was 10k more expensive
That's actually the face your Insurance company make when their claim adjuster reviews the Tesla 'Sentry Mode' footage.
Yeah DO NOT commit insurance fruad. It's a really bad idea. You will get caught. There's about 100 different ways to get caught and you won't figure out half of them, and what's worse is that the money will point REALLY big red arrows at you and if you can't defuse that attention, your doing time.
Buying a Hyundai of all choices after a tesla is doubling down on shitty car choices
I retired during Covid, but until then I drove mercedes. When I needed a new car, the new Merc dealer wouldn't even let me onto the lot, telling me he couldn't get a car for me for 12 months. Turned out, the only new car I could get immediately, was a Kia Sportage, and that was only because someone failed a finance application. That car was actually awesome, never a single problem, but I decided I didn't like all the screens because always fingerprints, so I sold that and bought a Hyundai because I had already gone through the tech learning curve (Kia and Hyundai are the same). That too, has been trouble free all the time I've had it, and I'm about to trade to another Hyundai. Converesely, here in Australia, I hear about Honda's being crap. I think Korean cars, actually made in Korea, are actually great cars. You Americans mostly get models made locally, which to me sounds like the problem. What you are saying, is American made is shitty.
The best car to get is one where the engineers actually thought of maintaining the thing over looks
My hyundai isn't electric but I've been very happy with it
To be fair, we've been very happy with our Kona EV. No problems after 25k miles.
Portuguese love a good kona
What about before 25k miles?
They aren't terrible cars. I had a Hyundai and it ran well. Just didn't throw an oil light for me. Engine seized. My own fault really, but lasted like 180k
Hyundai is not the move :p
Every time a Tesla cuts me off in traffic now, I contemplate following them until they park so I can carve "ASSHOLE" into the hood with my keys.
Oh boy, you're so edgy.
Usually insurance companies don't pay for vandalism I think.
If I'm paying for comprehensive coverage and they don't cover my car burning, I am absolutely suing.
Oh you REALLY need to call up and see if they will cover it. They will fight you like hell on this kind of situation.
They will cover vandalism if:
A) You report it to the police and have a file number
B) You have comprehensive coverage
But your insurance rate will increase due to having a claim
I've heard insurance companies in the Un-united Dystopia of america have stopped insuring them
Good. That means the burn a Tesla campaign is working. The goal is no one buying any new ones.
don't worship muppets.
I have owned only three brands of cars with a total of four different engines. And next to my Toyotas, my one Hyundai was incredibly reliable. Made it to 300k before I gave it away to my cousin. And the only time it ever left my in a jam was a Walmart parking lot when the starter burnt out. I walked across the street, bought a new one, and with the help of a YouTube video & $10 worth of tools from that very Walmart, shit was done. I highly recommend an old sonata to any one hard up, and in need for something reliable. Mine actually had heated seats! Easily the best $700 I've ever spent! I could rant about that car for ever.
What a weird wet dream. Teslas are stacked with cameras, they'd never get away with it.
Yeah that's why they've caught every single person that's set fire to a Tesla. /s
Do people think Teslas are equipped with cameras that can see through masks?
it's actually hilarious how few would be crimestars dont know how facial rec software works. cover your ears and eyes, and them go do something other than what the stupidest people on the planet are doing, that causes the policy enforcers to come up with better more depraved ways to sodomize us. you worthless shit parrots, do deserve an animal's prison address
They've caught quite a few so far. Time will tell.
You just know a dealership is going to get caught setting it's own Teslas on fire. That is going to be the free space on many 2025 Bingo cards.
It's actually just a convenient software update.
Download the update, start the engine, and run away
In Brazil we call this jeitinho brasileiro (brazillian way*)... but this seems so american in my pov *means that you should take advantage in everything
In American we call this Insurance Fraud and it is illegal and causes insurance rates to be much higher.
So illegal.
So long as only victims are insurance companies and Tesla, I am okay with it. To be fair, they kinda deserve it.
Insurance companies are never the only victim. They just pass the pain forward.
Committing insurance fraud is honestly pretty questionable from a ethics perspective. You are cheating the game at the cost of everyone else. Why are people ok with this now in 2025? In the last few decades it as become socially acceptable to cheat the system for your own gain.
I fully support the arrest and prosecution of those who commit insurance fraud. Same goes for companies who cheat there workers out of pay.
The "ethics" of following laws stem entirely from the social contract. Both sides agree to a set of rules because it's fair or in their mutual interest to take part in society. But when one side violates that social contract (causes a constitutional crisis, ignores the rule of law, etc.) then all bets are off. If you blindly follow the rules while the other side is actively ripping them up, then you're at best a sucker and at worst complicit.
Well, no, it's all of us, because of how insurance works. Payouts go up, premiums go up. As long as the number of destroyed Teslas is a drop in the ocean we won't notice, but lots of companies love a good excuse to put prices up and this is just handing them a gold plated excuse on a silver platter.
Just a reminder that insurance is a scam. You are compelled to pay for it under penalty of law in the case of car insurance, and the insurance companies do everything possible to maximize their profits, being for profit companies. What this means in general is that people pay more into insurance than they ever get out. If they didn't the insurance companies wouldn't make a profit. The money you pay isn't going into some huge fund that supports everyone who pays for it. If it doesn't go to paying out claims now it goes straight to the insurance executives, or investors, or to "lobbying" politicians to keep the racket going. The day you stop paying out you get fucking nothing. All that money is just gone, for the pleasure of maybe having your claim paid out if your insurance company can't weasel their way out of paying. Insurance is a scam, a bunch of penny pinching middlemen draining the world of human productivity and effort for their own benefit and nothing else. Any benefit a particular individual happens to get is a loss to be minimized to them.
I scares me the number of people willing to commit insurance fraud. I've had friends who would do things like park there car in a hail storm.
Tesla has its own insurance company so double whammy lmao
I mean, the environment is also a victim in that case
This is the only good use of a Tesla now, IMO. Get it fully insured, then go park it in a dark alley near a popular area. It'll get torched before too long. No fraud involved with setting your own car on fire....
Then use the money to buy something that's not made by a Nazi.
Forget to turn on sentry mode.
Straight outta the urban-cop playbook.
This website is satire and best viewed with a healthy dose of skepticism and a strong sense of humor.
what a disappointment
They should just put 😉 at the end
I'm sure they will get their fair share of people taking it seriously, even though it's satire
That thumb has a foreskin. AI generated images are still hilarious
Man a shitty lining to this cloud is the kids that had to mine the lithium for the batteries into useless cars.
It's a step in the right direction. It won't stop the countries we exploit from being exploited. But if Tesla goes bankrupt it is one less large company exploiting the global south. And arguably the worst when it comes to Cobalt.
I think you're thinking of Cobalt? Lithium mainly is mined in big industrial facilities in Australia and Chile. Not like cobalt wich was in the news for being mined by hand, including with children.
However "new" Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) batteries go without cobalt and other rare earth materials (not actually rare btw). Most electric cars use these batteries nowadays including many Teslas.
I just think it's bizarre that Magnetite is considered a rare mineral. It's literally cheaper than lead
I didn't know this, thanks for taking the time to inform
I hate Musk, Tesla, and cars in general. (I like trains). But I also dislike people who are wasteful, destroys things like everything is replaceable without any harm done. I also dislike people who are dishonest for their own benefit. This is not helping built a better future. It's dishonest and destructive. Lose lose.
You must like in a country or downtown area with good public transport. Go outside the main cities in America and you're stranded without your own car.
Have you seen the stock price? I wouldn't say it's wasteful at all. I'd say it's achieving exactly what it's set out to do.
If it's trying to get Tesla to go bankrupt, I highly doubt that will happen. And I also don't really see what it achieves except for annoying Musk.
Are you dumb? Hyundai \Kia is literal trash. Buy a Toyota or Honda.
Nice idea, but Teslas are jampacked with cameras.
Teslas are jampacked with cameras.
Which will show a masked figure of weirdly indeterminate height (possible wearing hidden plateau shoes) setting fire to it in the middle of the night, how curious 🤔
I wonder what fire does to the SD card on which the camera footage is stored?
(Its only uploaded to tesla servers when the car is connected to the internet)
They're always connected via cell service, though.
That said, I'm pretty sure the antenna is stored in the right-side mirror, so if something were to happen, like that mirror becoming suddenly disconnected from the body of the car, it might disrupt that connection.
If they rely on insurance to not fuck them over, I wish them good luck. Because boy, do insurances have the capacity and willingness to fuck people over
But they are also competing with each other. Insurers who have less Teslas will win (and offer lower premiums).
But they are also competing with each other. Insurers who have less Teslas will win (and offer lower premiums).
Probably not the place, but Hyundai and Kia are both making some sharp looking cars right now.
Yeah the ioniq looks really nice, probs what I’d get if I was looking for something around the 60k range or whatever
Hyundai makes awful products. Look at the major lawsuits they had due to engine manufacturing defects that caused oil deprivation and rod knock(when the crank case/ engine block is too low on oil the bearing sleeves in between the crank shaft and connecting rods that attach to the pistons end up wearing excessively from running dry making the connection loose so the engine will make a loud knocking noise that means it is FUBAR and needs a new engine or a rebuild) across like a dozen different model / engine subvarients over a 12 year period. They are cheaply made. South Korea is a western proxy state their corporate culture is to maximize profits on the backs of consumers and cur costs wherever possible.
Buy a toyota or honda if you want a reliable quality vehicle. Maybe a volvo or a vw product but only if you know how to maintain cars yourself otherwise youll be paying a lot for maintenance on german cars, but toyotas are made to keep running even if you neglext maintenance and are super reliable if routine maintenance is kept up.
For recent Hyundai's I've seen nothing but really positive reviews from mechanics. Same with Mazda and Kia's. The only thing I've seen is there are a lot of GDI engines so the valves need to be cleaned. They also have the best engine warranty in the world.
I'm sure Toyota is more robust, but you'll definitely be paying a fair bit more than a Hyundai.
Don’t put Hyundai on a pedestal.
Sure, but that's kind of every car manufacturer right now. If you let that limit your choice, you won't be buying anything. Depending on where you live, maybe that's better.
Then don't buy anything.
If you want to stop shit behaviour you need to provide consequences.
Buy a used car instead, there's plenty of them.
When the new car market falls apart these manufacturers will change their ways.
But because people are unwilling to part with even the tiniest bit of convenience, prestige, whatever the fuck it is, I wish I knew, then the bad behaviour is encouraged and then you're left in a situation where the market sees there's no consequences for adding this shit to their products and they all do it.
Then everybody suffers.
“Sir/madam, (sadam) your conviction slowly steeling and your hands steadying themselves before you finally threw the bottle was heartening, but why did you come directly out of your own house to do it? Claim rejected.”
Eventually one of you’s is gonna try it, but forget a detail or two.
Fuck hyundai, buy a toyota like someone with a modicum of taste and intelligence.
Honestly get one of those old Toyotas that were build like tanks. All metal and a simple engine design means it runs forever and is easy to work on.
Amen. Thats why i have an rx330. If you want fuel efficiency they make plenty of hybrid drive trains. The first prius came out in like 2000 they sure have come a long way with that tech.
I don't think people that decided to buy an electric car will be interested in trading it in for a hybrid. Also, assuming you're in the US, because Hyundai are very good and popular in Europe. (Sorry, just noticed the username. Oh well..)
Toyota makes electric cars and also hydrogen cars. But really EV’s arent all that great for the environment. Lithium mining is pretty awful not to mention super exploitative. And there is this bottleneck of liFePo battery production that we and the industry at large seem to be ignoring. Currenty less than 8% of the amount of new vehicles sold annually on the planet are EV so we would need to increase the supply by at least 1250% plus all the other industries that rely on lithium batteries like cordless power tools, batteries and many other consumer electronics. So likely we would need to increase production by 2000% and thats a conservative estimate and then we would need to repeat this year after year after year. This us not going to be good for the environment regardless the increase in sustainability compared to ICE vehicles. We need to develop solar tech beyond what it is. Look at tje german auto manufacturer Sono who makes a solar ev that seems pretty promising for a technology in its infancy. Also we need to really take notes from toyota because manufacturing cars in the way that American automotive manufacturers have normalized, disposable planned obsolescence vehicles made to break down so that consumers will have to buy a mew one or pay for hours and hours of expensive labor, is just not sustainable. Toyota at least puts out vehicles that mostly Will still be on the roads 3 decades or more after their first purchase. When most other manufacturers are making vehicles that are pretty much crushed and sold for scrap after 100,000 miles or 10 years. So besides the technology itself the current model of consumer usage and disposal is not sustainable
I'm sorry, I don't want to buy a brand new car from 2005.
Jokes aside, what's the point of a new Toyota? You'll have a reliable car but use way more fuel than a German diesel wagon or sedan, in the age of super high fuel prices. Toyota of course barely even makes wagons or sedans anymore. They discontinued the Avensis, brought in the Camry and now it's pretty much "buy a C-HR or RAV4 lol". Toyota's only EV so far came way too late and offers way too little to be compelling compared to what the Koreans are doing. The Koreans can't make an ICE for shit but they do know how to make a decent EV.
The only decent cars they make now are the BMW Supra and the NotOnMyContinent Land Cruiser 300. And I guess the RAV4 PHEV but that costs so much you might as well just get A BMW X5.
Idk what poanet youre on but toyota makes great cars all around. The lexus RX/ toyota highlander (which is just the camry platform crossover) redefined suv crossovers. Without it suv’s tofay would be totally different. Also toyota 4cylinder hybrids get 60+ miles to the gallon the electric hybrid rav 4 in 2020 was getting 96 mpg. Toyota makes tons of wagons and sedans, tbe prius comes in wagon format the ct200h is a wagon, Camry, carola, avalon, gs300, ls350, sc400, I mean if you dont want a car that will last 3-5 decades plus that was made to last then get what you want. I cant tell you how many late 90’s early aughts toyota products are still on the road i see dozens every day. I have one. A 2004 rx330 with 225,000 miles on it. Aiming to take it to a million miles. There is a reason toyota products have great resale value, are highly desired and have stellar consumer reports ratings. And they are pretty easy to work on so you dont have to pay 200+ an hour at a mechanic if youre not an idiot and are mechanically inclined.
And if you want something else then go honda. Toyota and honda products are hands down the 2 best quality manufacturers that produce reliable lasting vehicles.
Echoing that the Hyundai Ioniqs are fantastic EVs with plenty of actual buttons in the console as well as fast charging speeds (the chargers themselves are the limiting factor)
It occurs to me, when these shitty batteries catch fire all on their own, now he can blame “terrorism.”
if you can't sell it...
Im was starting to suspect it.
So trade a nazi garbage car for just a garbage car?
The Ionic 5n kinda slaps, tho...