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88 评论
  • Sure sure, and by that logic, I also submit that the Supreme Court lacks the power to impose their own ethics on an entire gender.

  • There's a key trick to evaluating statements by the republican justices... re-read anything they say from the lens of they are completely full of shit and have zero integrity.

    These are not serious people. Don't discuss them as if they are. Tell your own representatives that they need to act on this LOUDLY or they will lose your vote.

  • To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

    — Article I Section 8 Clause 18 US Constitution

    The Constitution indicates that Congress gets to set the laws that are necessary for proper execution of all the powers enumerated in the Constitution.


      Alito basically admitted to conspiracy against the government

  • Mighty fucking convenient. It’s this kind of stuff that tells me we are governed by children. “Nuh uh. Can’t do that. I’m on base. Na-na-na-boo-boo.”

    Whom among you has the power to censor the censor!?

    Edit: Also, where does this asshole get off? Congress doesn’t have the power? Let’s logic this out. Does congress have the power to pass laws? Do citizens have to obey laws? Are you a citizen? I can big brain this all day.

  • He may be wrong in a structural sense, but he is making a valid point in a how things really work sense. The phrase "legislate from the bench" was coined for a reason. The concept of judgement notwithstanding the verdict grants some of that power to lower courts. It shouldn't be like that, but it is.

  • He may be wrong in a structural sense, but he is making a valid point in a how things really work sense. The phrase "legislate from the bench" was coined for a reason. The concept of judgement notwithstanding the verdict grants some of that power to lower courts. It shouldn't be like that, but it is.

88 评论