Indoor pool, anyone?
Indoor pool, anyone?
Indoor pool, anyone?
That is a rejected insurance claim waiting to happen. I mean, imagine coming home to find out it had a hole and leaked all over the place while you were out.
I'm going to assume that the outlets are at least GFCI... Right...? Right?
Coming home, hell. One rip and you're gonna wake up floating out the back door.
Like this?
Next you'll be telling me that the neighbor installed a hot tub in his apartment and it ended up shorting out the building's electricity, causing me to miss a very important alarm.
OK, sometimes I see these and think 'that's not **that **terrible'. This is NOT one of those times...
What sort of carpet do you think the floor has?
Goodbye woodwork, we hardly knew ye.
Me: what do you do in the event of a fire?
Genius: I'd be in the pool, i'in't? /Taps head
I set my bath pillow on fire once - while I was in the bath. I was well impressed with my quick thinking just to yank in down into the bathwater to put it out. My partner was too unimpressed with my stupidity/carelessness to appreciate my quick reflexes!
Not only is it weird for an inflatable pool to be indoors, but that is a very tight fit.
Ohhh, maybe this guy thought he was buying a tiny barrel-sized thing. Swapped box art would explain how kiddy pools are depicted as gargantuan.
Such heated indoor pools are sometimes used for hydrotherapy, where a storage or separate room is used just for the pool.
Would this truly be the suggested set up though? An inflatable pool in your dining room? I used to have hydrotherapy until I found it too difficult to actually get there. They recommended warm baths, not that I DIY one in my house!
This setup in the image looks crampy and sketchy, but in general the property owner build and maintain the pool and rent it to hydrotherapy therapists (or use it for its own such business). Normally (well, excluding cases we see in this community) one does not build one just for themselves in their livingroom or kitchen.
Yikes I didn't even think about the weight! Hopefully that's on a concrete slab
Someone needs to research live loads on floor joists.
I guess concern that the water is filthy isn’t really the biggest issue here.
Well that's certainly one way to do it...
Gotta setup a dart board on the adjacent wall so you can play darts from the pool.
I want this life, a life without worries were you do whatever with no care in the world.
That's gotta be for some gnarly fetish videos.
Indoor-issues aside, I get the feeling that people who would be willing to do this, probably wouldn't care too much about the water quality either. How often are they cleaning or replacing the water? Do they still go in it even if it's not being cleaned regularly? What does this smell like?
The overhead lights are a nice extra.
That water looks like it hasn’t been cleaned since the pool was installed many years ago.
Didn't Bam Margera do this to his parents as a prank?