Think we should intervene?
Think we should intervene?
Think we should intervene?
Wtf was even the idea behind even making the source picture??? Fucking bizarre
The people inside the house look like they all have dark hair. Maybe in the original it's angels guiding and protecting righteous immigration cops while they're arresting dangerous illegal immigrants (ie flashbanging toddlers)?
edit: nope lol it's jehova's witnesses: "During the great tribulation, Gog of Magog’s forces may try to assault us in our homes. But we can take comfort in knowing that Jesus and his angels are aware of what is happening and will defend us"
Persecution fetish.
Some religious folks believe that at the “end of days” everyone who doesn’t follow the NWO religion or doesn’t have the mark of the beast will be persecuted. If you look very closely you can see the family in the house if praying with their heads down…. meanwhile these are the same people attempting to self fulfill their own prophecy by integrating religion into government
Fuck I never looked at it that way before. To think they fear this future, yet they are the potential cause of this distopian future
Some religious folks believe that at the “end of days”
I've legit heard arguments along the lines of "you shouldn't care about climate change because the rapture's going to be any day now. The fact that scientists are still advocating for bullshit like eliminating fossil fuels instead of repenting shows that they're working for the devil trying to drag you to hell with them."
Looks like Jehovah Witness Doomsday persecution propaganda
JW love rapture porn
Maybe canned tuna is the answer.
They probably meant that angels are judging the cops actions? Idk
I did an image search and you were right, it's jehova's witnesses:
"During the great tribulation, Gog of Magog’s forces may try to assault us in our homes. But we can take comfort in knowing that Jesus and his angels are aware of what is happening and will defend us"
Allrighty then.
Takes me back to those Annoying Jesus memes
For those curious:
It's true that he's a jerk though.
I think you misspelled Awesome Jesus Memes
That crazy Jesus is always stealing my heroin!
Humanity: suffers endlessly
"God:" eating popcorn lol you guys suck at this.
Humanity: suffers endlessly
“God,” who supposedly created all aspects about humans, their nature and the world and already knew in advance everything that would happen including humans eating from the tree of knowledge: and who's fault is that?
It's like writing a bad computer program and then being mad at it when it crashes.
God just like me fr fr
The actual truth if you believe Christian theology. Angels AND God are fully capable of changing things, but free will is sort of like the Prime Directive in Star Trek if you want to be charitable. Uncharitably, we're God's play things and only a tiny fraction of the most loyal will see true reward.
The vast field of ambiguity between those two points is ... kinda' the point in why there has been so much quarrel even between Christian sects.
free will is sort of like the Prime Directive in Star Trek
That's a really apt comparison because they play fast and loose with the prime directive all the time, using it as an excuse for inaction while flagrantly disregarding it whenever it suits them
The great irony is, the Prime Directive is to try and control the emotional overreaction of humans and is indeed often ignored by Star Trek for supposedly moral reasons... It is terribly ironic that it makes such a perfect analogy to how God, a supposedly far superior being, is described as acting in the Bible.
In Star Trek, it's ignored to help people. In the Bible, it's ignored because God is having a bad day and needs to lay down some punishment without being labeled a massive hypocrite because daddy do no wrong.
No, the christian god its not just capable of changing things, it is omnipotent. That means it could change things without interfering with the free will.
The point about being omnipotent vs free will is... if he does ANYTHING to change our fate, he's corrupting free will, which is supposed to be our greatest gift.
The entire concept of an omniprescient and all powerful being is nonsensical as described by Christians. A being LITERALLY CANNOT be all knowing, all kind, and omnipotent. Not if our reality is involved.
That is why there is so much debate over the nature of god and "good". As described, it is literally impossible, so it becomes incredibly subjective.
Morals are subjective, and so is God.
Literally any plans, any kind of tweaks, no matter how small or how far in advance he's playing it. If you alter events or shift things to your end goals, you have destroyed free will.
free will is sort of like the Prime Directive in Star Trek if you want to be charitable
This is a hilarious way of putting it, and as someone who hasn't been all that steeped in christianity to be very familiar with it, that actually told me a lot 😄
That's only the kind and charitable interpretations. There are ample stories of God directly murderizing people just for disobeying a direct order.
IMO, it's all complete codswallop that's been misconstrued off of the simple recordings of history and an attempt at passing on wisdom about which rulers were good and why.
After all, all it takes is some narcissistic piece of shit emperor to declare they shall be referred to as "god", and no other rulers will even be recorded as having a similar honorific ... and bam. God as described in the Bible suddenly makes perfect sense being a fickle piece of shit because he's just a bastardized history of seemingly good rulers dealing with completely different problems in completely different ways.
Now, I don't think that's all of it. There is obviously much spirituality and baby's first philosophy wrapped up in there, too.
So the playthings with dunning-kruger who are loyal are still playthings after?
Getting XCom flashbacks. I'd set up a breach team on the door, and send the rest of the squad round and up that drainpipe so they can drop down from the roof. But best go around the back of the cars so as not to activate through the window.
Getting XCom flashbacks
XCom allows you to flashbang toddlers‽
No. That sort of extreme content is prohibited to play on computers, we only allow that sort of shit in real life
Do sectoids count? I mean, look at them, that's basically a little alien toddler
There might be a mod that adds in toddler aliens or something like that.
Get your sniper on long watch in case the pod gets activated early