“I’ll tell you a secret, since media is not here. Thank you for not allowing the media in. Look, I’m a Southern Baptist, I don’t wanna get too spooky on you, But, you know, the Lord speaks to your heart. “The Lord began to wake me up, through this three-week process, in the middle of …
“I’ll tell you a secret, since media is not here. Thank you for not allowing the media in. Look, I’m a Southern Baptist, I don’t wanna get too spooky on you, But, you know, the Lord speaks to your heart.
“The Lord began to wake me up, through this three-week process, in the middle of night to speak to me. The Lord impressed upon my heart a few weeks before this happened that something was going to occur.
“And the Lord very specifically told me in my prayers to prepare, but to wait. At the time, I assumed the Lord was going to choose a new Moses and thank you, Lord, you’re going to allow me to be Aaron to Moses.
“I had this sense that we were going to come to a Red Sea moment in our Republican conference and in the county at large. God had been speaking to me about this, and the Lord told me very clearly to prepare and be ready.
“Ultimately 13 people ran for the post. And the Lord kept telling me to, ‘Wait, wait, wait.’ So I waited, I waited. And then at the end the Lord said, ‘Now step forward.’
“Me? I’m supposed to be Aaron. ‘No,’ the Lord said, ‘Step forward.’” – Mike Johnson, speaking last night to the far-right National Association of Christian Lawmakers.
This man is a true believer. True believers do not compromise anything that goes against what they believe their religion tells them. This man is far more dangerous than Donald Trump, who is simply a grifter and was in it for himself. This guy thinks the gods have ordained him. Anybody who stands against him is going against God, in his own mind.
These people literally listen to the voice in their brain, the one we all have, and tell themselves it's god.
I grew up as a southern Baptist. I suffered physical, sexual and emotional abuse the entire time I was there as a child. Getting out was like escaping a cult. Southern Baptists are abusive, extremist psychos.
“Sometimes when I want to do something, I get really quiet, and in the stillness, I hear that voice inside of me that always says ‘Do whatever you want. It’s always justified.’”
Hate to break it You ya bud, but god didn't choose you. A bunch of corrupt cronies picked you to be their leader and scapegoat in an attempt to turn America into a theocratic dictatorship.
It's interesting that these people God talks to like this are only ever told they've been chosen. I never hear someone saying, "Well, God spoke to me last night. It turns out I should just chill the fuck out and mind my own business."
Take the religious pretext away from this statement and you have textbook mental illness. Dude is on stage in front of all of our elected representatives saying he's listening to the voices inside his head and they are guiding his actions.
Random question: How come God always agrees with these loons in whatever kooky-ass shit they pray to Him about? Why does he never respond, "Lol, no, that's dumb."?
“I had this sense that we were going to come to a Red Sea moment in our Republican conference and in the county at large. God had been speaking to me about this, and the Lord told me very clearly to prepare and be ready.
When God parted the Red Sea, he allowed Moses and the Isrealites to cross, and he subsequently folded over the waters and killed everyone else present. This man believes this is an apt metaphor for what is about to happen in America.
The religious aspect is utter bullshit, of course. I'd like to think the on-the-ground reality won't match up with his fantasy either. Sure hope everyone watching this jackass is taking notes.
This is why my personal opinion about religion is the same as my opinion about paranoid schizophrenia, the only difference being that religion is a trained behaviour. Fuck all parents who willingly expose children to brainwashing.
Barry fucking Goldwater knew these kinds of people were trying to take over his party, and he for sure wasn't a Democrat.
"Frankly these people frighten me. Politics demands compromise. These people believe they're acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried dealing with them.".
What exactly does he mean by being Moses and America's "red sea moment?" Are the liberals, FBI, and the people prosecuting Trump the Egyptians? So, Johnson has been chosen to lead Republicans to safety, and kill the liberals, FBI, and prosecutors?
Knew a church teacher who said "the gays aren't here so I can tell you something they won't like, they aren't going to heaven" (said in front of my gay but religious ex boyfriend xD)
Always assume your comments in a group are made with at least one person you're othering.
I grew up in a southern Baptist home and it amazes me how this script is always used to justify a change. Almost verbatim, all my life I’ve heard this same script. God spoke in a prayer. God said big plans. God said wait and prepare. God said go.
Does this guy not get that this type of extreme fundamentalism is a turn off to most Americans? I mean, I would never vote republican in a thousand years but this has got to be pushing some of the more sane fence sitters away, right?
Christian here. That's not how it works. America is not God's chosen nation, and you are not God's chosen leader. You are a little man with delusions of grandeur, trying to use your meager understanding of religion to pull the wool over the eyes of other Christians.
I'm not fooled. And there are a lot more like me who aren't fooled, either.
I'd hate for this to be true. Anyone have a better source? I only looked for one in the article for like 3 seconds and didn't see one, but maybe it's there.
Or is "JoeMyGod" a legit news site I've never heard of lol
No, Johnson! You get Jesus. You don't get to take Moses also! We Jews had him first. Go talk about how god told you to be like Jesus instead.
Then again, if you really want to be like Moses, gather the conservatives together and go wander in the desert for 40 years so that the rest of us can run this country without your interference. (Yes, the Moses allegory fell apart at the end, but conservatives in America aren't like Israelite slaves in ancient Egypt.)
Crazy religious people seem to often think that any intuition or sudden insight they have is God speaking to them. I think it's one of the big reasons they seem to always think God wants them to do exactly what they already wanted anyway.
There's a very fine line between devotion and straight up mental illness. I don't want anyone who is hearing voices in a position of power over me, I want them in treatment.
Well, which "god" did this? Also, in a secular country, what this guy says his supposed "god" did doesn't matter (probably the Abrahamic god Jehovah/Allah/Yahweh that all these provincial xtian fucksticks always just call upper-case God as if their god was the only one ever in the mythologies of mankind). Not in the slightest. He can fuck right off with that kind of nonsense.
Soo... how can we advise his constituents to question his leadership? If someone like that represented the state I lived in I would be spending every waking moment letting them know I do not approve.