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  • I took a small pause on DMing for my 2+ year on-going 5e game starting in December for personal reasons. They just hit tier 3 and didn't have the correct time to prep. I was just wrapping up all of their on-going hooks so some of the background hooks needed to get moved to center stage. So lots of work with no time to work on it. I think I might get to next week when off work.

    While I am off from DMing another player took up theDM mantle, so I got be a player on a 5e starwars / spelljammer campaign. We have done a few sessions so far and I really enjoy being a player. I do always keep in the back of head about what I would have differently if I was DMing but I am enjoying it. Also my complaints are small mostly related to asking if the players wanted to do something before doing the obvious next choice.

    We did a short Star Wars FFG campaign where I was a player again which was pretty fun. Much easier to run with an online dice roller but obviously more fun in person. It was a pretty fun game and system but just had a few strange things happening. But the choices and character advancement was pretty cool

  • Wrapped up a Torchbearer campaign about this time last year and now a long term player have taken up the mantle and is GMing some Burning Wheel.

    Did very little GM-ing. Just some sporadic Blades and a few sessions of Swords of the Serpentine. Like the core of Serpentine but they have added on too many auxiliary systems for me to enjoy it. It doesn't really know what it want to be - light or complex.

    Gotten into OSR adventures. Have no liking to the systems but truly love the adventure designs. It is the openness of them that calls to me, an invitation "here is the situation go wild". And they seem so plug-and-playable, and descriptions seldom last longer than a paragraph, and there are tables instead of words, and hooks are listed without fuzz. Am I smitten? Yes!

    As the year draws to a close I'm starting up my first campaign in my native Swedish - Drakar och Demoner. Will sound so incredibly geeky to do roleplaying in Swedish. Corny deluxe.

  • I GMed the second year of our DnD 5e campaign which runs every other week. We went through the official modules Waterdeep Dragonheist and then on to Dungeon of the Mad Mage. We are currently at the final battle of the 4th level of the dungeon. The heroes will be level 8 after the battle. It's just such a nice group and I am happy we manage to play for so long without any major breaks.

    In my second group which is every other week alternating with the first one we had the GM drop out after a little over half a year mid campaign. I offered to run Pathfinder 2e for the first time and it went great. The party is level 5 now and close to the end of the small campaign I prepared. Maybe 2 or 3 more sessions to wrap up. I made up the campaign myself but set it in the world of Golarion. GMing Pathfinder was a blast and I highly prefer it over dnd now. It'll be my go to system once the mad mage campaign ends which might well be another 2 years. After my Pathfinder campaign ends another player will GM Storm King's Thunder which we already got characters for and began to play when I couldn't make prep work in time since GMing 2 groups is a lot for my schedule.

    Lastly I began offering beginner one shots in Pathfinder 2e in my flgs and it's been absolutely awesome. People routinely buy PF books right there at the store after the session ends which is probably the biggest compliment. The beginner box is great for that.

    I'm working on a proper dnd 5e beginner adventure similar to the Pathfinder box since the dnd sets aren't really beginner friendly at all nor do they have proper matirials at the ready.

    All in all I had a fantastic RPG year. I hope things can keep going like this in the future.

  • I've played through all of Agents of Edgewatch, started playing Gatewalkers, started playing a heavily modded Spelljammer module, and began running a sandbox campaign of my own design. I've come to the conclusion that all APs, canned adventures, and modules are bad and I'm utterly bored by all of them. They evoke the feeling of going to a movie theater, but with the pacing and scheduling issues associated with TTRPGs. They're just poor match for the character or objective driven campaigns that I crave.

  • Stil GM on a two years long campaign. High fantasy which started as Dungeon World and is now Fate.

    The funny thing they still haven't found is that, except 2 NPCs they met, all others are honest and tell the truth. Some are blatantly incompetent or stupid though.

  • Baldurs Gate 3 sidelined my whole backlog-- which is just fine by me, I'm not trying to schedule actual table meets, whether IRL or online, until my degree is done