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Best games that can be completed in under ten hours?

So this isn't directly related to patientgaming but my hardware and personal tastes kind of filter me to playing games no newer than five years old.

I'm looking for some recommendations for games that can be completed within ten hours. I've realized recently that this is the sweet spot how much I enjoy playing a game before I get bored of it. I'm open to all types of games. Thanks in advance!

  • In no particular order:

    Metal Gear Rising Revengence

    Psychonauts 1

    Bladed Fury

    Ori and the Blind Forest

    Titanfall 2




    Portal/Portal 2


    Any member of the Shadowrun RPG trilogy

    Little Inferno


  • Return of the Obra Dinn. The 2nd game from the maker of Papers, Please. You're trying to solve the murders or disappearances of 60 people on a ship, using a watch that can view their moment of death. Insanely unique game, and it's hard to replicate that feeling of all the pieces of the puzzle falling into place that this game fosters.

    • Eliza: A visual novel by Zachtronics, took me 10 hours to beat
    • Aviary Attorney: A visual novel / detective/ attorney game with music from Camille Saint-Saens and art by J.J. Grandville. Beat it in 7 hours and had a blast.
    • Braid: 2D puzzle platformer with time shift mechanic. Finished it in 7 hours.
    • Tiny Bang story: wimmelpicture point & click. 7 hours.
    • Call of Cthulhu: Horror walking simulator. 7 hours.
    • Bastion: Amazing isometric action game by Supergiant Games. Rook me good 6 hours to finish.
    • Thomas was alone: 2 D platformer with geometric shapes as characters and great narrator. 6 hours.
    • Whispers of a machine: Noir detective story point & click. 5 hours.
    • Homefront: USA gets invaded by Korea first person shooter. Good 4 hours.
    • INSIDE: Atmospheric 2D puzzler. 4 hours.
    • LIMBO: Same as INSIDE, same developer, great game, different story. 4 hours.
  • I keep a spreadsheet literally called "games to play". Ive played about half of these so far, but they all meet your criteria, and all have overall good reviews, here's a selection from it, including my own notes: (pardon the lack of formatting coming from a spreadsheet)

    A Hand With Many Fingers - 3 hours - Puzzle - Difficult (use pen and paper for clues) CIA mystery

    A Wolf In Autumn - 1 hour - Walking Sim - Girls nightmare

    ADR1FT - 6 hours - Puzzle - Space station catastrophe

    Anna - Extended Edition - 5 hours - Adventure - Psych horror in sawmill, inventory based puz

    Antichamber - 7 hours - Puzzle - MC-Escher-esque open world physics breaking puzzle solving

    Aporia: Beyond The Valley - 5 hours - Walking Sim - Walking Sim+ (puzzles), awaken in ancient temple in jungle

    Ballads At Midnight - 4 hours - Visual Novel - Story of a bard and a vampire

    Beyond: Two Souls - 12 hours - Adventure - Ellen Page / Willem Dafoe,

    Blind Spot - 5 hours - Puzzle - Puzzle mystery story

    Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons - 3 hours - Walking Sim - Heart-wrenching story told with no words

    Brukel - 1 hour - Walking Sim - 92yr old grandma retells memories of WWII

    Close To The Sun - 6 hours - Walking Sim - Looks like Bioshock, great atmo

    Cloud Climber - 1 hour - Walking Sim

    Deliver Us The Moon - 5 hours - Adventure - Sci-fi story on moon, some puzzles, some platforming

    Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald A Whirlwind Heist - 1 hour - Walking Sim - Very short, hilarious game from maker of The Stanley Principle

    Draugen - 3 hours - Mystery - American searching for missing sister in 1920s Norway

    Goetia - 7 hours - Point-And-Click - Puzzles / adventure in abandoned house, text heavy

    Gorogoa - 2 hours - Puzzle - Hand Illustrated puzzle game

    Heavy Rain - 10 hours - RPG - Crime thriller / mystery, multiple outcomes, some QTEs

    I Hope She's OK - 1 hour - Walking Sim - Short mystery at a nordic cabin, told through instagram-like messages

    Jessika - 3 hours - FMV - Solve suicide of Jessika

    Journey - 5 hours - Walking Sim - Atmospheric exploration

    Knee Deep - 4 hours - Puzzle - Mystery in a swampland / theater production

    Kona - 8 hours - Adventure - Detective in eerie Canada town

    Manifold Garden - 6 hours - Puzzle - M.C. escher landscape build gravity bend puzzles

    Murdered: Sould Suspect - 10 hours - RPG - Solve your own murder

    Scanner Sombre - 3 hours - Walking Sim - Trippy cave-explore game

    SOMA - 10 hours - RPG - Horror adventure

    Tacoma - 4 hours - Walking Sim - Sci-fi space station adventure

    The Fidelio Incident - 3 hours - Puzzle - Short story, plane crash in N. Ireland

    The Forgotten City - 10 hours - RPG - Time loop in ancient Rome

    The House of Da Vinci - 7 hours - Puzzle - Similar to "The Room" series

    The Painscreek Killings - 10 hours - Walking Sim + - Murder mystery, find clues and keys

    The Secrets of Darkwood - 5 hours - Txt RPG - Descendant of Might and Magic series

    The Signifier - 9 hours - Adventure - Dark, tech-noir

    The Silent Age - 4 hours - Point-and-click - Short, fairly easy puzzles, time travel post-apocalypse

    The Turing Test - 6 hours - Puzzle - Portal/Talos wannabe

    The Unfinished Swan - 4 hours - Puzzle - Paint / blob game

    To The Moon 4 hours - Walking Sim - Doctors help dying patients relive life

    Untitled Goose Game - 6 hours - TP-RPG - You are a horrible goose

    Valley - 8 hours - Walking Sim - Actually running/jumping sim

    Of these, the standouts that I've played so far are "Scanner Sombre" and "Unfinished Swan" for truly unique gameplay. "SOMA" and "Heavy Rain" for best storytelling. "Painscreek Killings" for best mystery (minus one very out of place sequence). "Forgotten City" for the best standalone Skyrim mod turned into a self contained adventure.

  • I enjoyed Stray. It’s pretty short, only got stuck one 1 of the puzzles.

    • Citizen Sleeper, it's so good you will likely not put it down until your story ends!
    • Thomas Was Alone, amazing narrative platformer and all time favourite.
    • Telltale Games, most of not all can be completed in 10 hours and they are all great. TWAU is the best one.
    • Titanfall 2, one of the greatest campaigns.

    You can finish a lot in 10 hours.

  • Just throwing out my own recommendation for others, I really enjoyed playing Dredge over the summer, which ran perfectly fine on my 1070. Total playtime was about 11 hours and I don't feel like I missed anything or that it overstayed it's welcome

  • Not sure what 'low end' is for you but if you like puzzle games, The Talos Principle (2014) is fairly low end (plays great on my 6 year old PC) and can be completed in about 6-8 hours. Though, because it's a puzzle game, it could take much longer than that. Right now it Is $4.49US ($9.98US for the gold edition) on Steam. Puzzle logic is similar to Portal.

    • If you have a bit of completionist streak like me, it can take a lot longer. Some puzzles are fiendishly hard.

  • IIRC, Undertale was a pretty short game, and has as deep a story as games three or four times its length.