Amazing bit
Amazing bit
Amazing bit
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They've done this in the UK. It's all oat drink, and soy drink, because animal product consumers are so fragile they hate the thought of people enjoying things that don't include animal products.
They tried to ban veggie sausages from being called sausages FFS...
They tried to ban veggie sausages from being called sausages
It's so wild that they can brand their mystery meat tubes whatever the fuck they want, like, in my country you can call a sausage a "veal liver sausage" if there is 0% actual baby cow liver inside, but the monent you call a sausage-shaped piece of soy with a common sausage spice mix that's supposed to be prepared like a sausage anfd that tastes so similar to sausage that i don't want to eat it a "veggie sausage", you've crossed a red line and are "misleading the consumer" because they could accidentally buy murder-free treats.
It's so fuckin' weird, just reminds me of how cheesemakers back in the day demanded that American cheese be referred to as embalmed cheese
Processed cheese was the compromise
embalmed cheese
Idk seems pretty appropriate to me.
it's only like 30% formaldehyde, be fair
When margarine was first introduced, dairy farmers lobbied against allowing it to be colored yellow to look like butter so the margarine manufacturers had to include a little packet of yellow food dye and you had to mix it in yourself.
I'm from the state where it's illegal for restaurants to serve margarine unless you specifically ask for it
I am very familiar with the stuff
They did the same in Denmark, and then when milk sales didn't pick up (because why the fuck would they?) they tried to move into the market with their own brand called "Jörd" (meaning eärth/dïrt). It's a shitty product though, so people don't buy it. The commercials are funny though, because you can just see how a boardroom full of farmers designed it. "Yeah it's hippy shit, throw in some words about nature and some hot hippy chick. That'll get them!"
I agree with this. I understand why everything was branded as a meat replacement, but that just lead to the promise of meat taste and texture that I don't think has ever been satisfyingly achieved. "Oat drink" tells you what you're getting so your average meat-pilled flesh-maxxer doesn't feel betrayed. It can be enjoyed on it's own merits.
That was my experience when I was veggie for a few years; Meat substitutes weren't good substitutes and I didn't start to enjoy them until I learned to appreciate them on their own merits.
Except for the fact that we have been referring to liquid from plants as "milk" for centuries. Nobody batted an eye at soy milk in all these years, but suddenly it's supposedly weird or trying to replace cow milk... It's just not. I get the issue with branding vegan food as a meat replacement, but plant milk was never that.
i mean even fucking opium starts out as "milk of the poppy".
Juice of the poppy*
Flowers don’t have nipples.
Structure Purist, Phylogeny Rebel: "A flower is a nipple."
Aren't they technically genitals. Male/female/both. It should be soy spunk, or soy squirt.
If you buy oat milk and expect some sort of cow milk you should lose your driving license
The trick to vegan cooking is to not focus on what is "missing"
Word. Tofu was gross until I stopped trying to use it as a substitute and realized I could marinate it and get a delicious result.
Truth. Folks need to learn from the people that invented and eat the stuff for hundreds of years.
Just don't ask which country invented which thing unless it's clearly and undisputibly from there. Aka don't ask who invented dubu/doufu/tofu
I'm all for product labelling being accurate and not misleading consumers but no person in their right mind is going to buy something that says "soy milk" on the label, expecting to get a dairy-based product.
Veggie Sausages.....I have some of those. Cheers!
: "Someone rename vegan sausages to something other than sausages! I'm too stupid to know they're not made of meat and therefore that's everyone's problem!"This qualifies Fetterman as an offically cartoonish clown.