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  • If Germany left the Euro it would be great for everybody else as they make the currency far too strong for most countries, especially Southern Europe, so a German-less Euro would fall and relieve some of the debt pressure elsewhere.

    It would however be shit for German-exports because a Neue Deutsche Mark would quickly go up once separated from the Euro (as it wouldn't be pushed down by other EU country's lower productivity), making German exports more expensive and hence less competitive, which in turn would negativelly impact the quality of life of Germans.

    (Also outside the EU Germany can forget all about having the influence to save their own reckless banks by moving their debt at full value to EU nations and then forcing Southern European nations to pay, next time the Economy tanks and it turns out once again they're overexposed)

    That said, having observed the whole Brexit thing from inside Britain, I fully expect anything but easilly parrotable slogans and one-sided criticism will go over the heads of the Far Right simpletons (that was exactly how Brexit ended up happenning).

    Mind you, Germany is a lot more capable of keep going with some success after leaving the EU than Britain, but it definitely derives massive irreplaceable trade benefits from being in the EU, especially the Euro.

    • EU and Euro are not the same thing. Those memberships do not require each other.

      • Sorta.

        Since a couple of years ago, new EU members are obligated to eventually become Euro members, and non-EU members need the agreement of the rest of the EU to have any say in how the Euro is managed (sure, non-EU countries can do the equivallent of dollarization with the Euro and just use it as currency or have a pegged currency, but that means no ability at all to participate in managing the currency which is what really matters for Germany in order to get all those sweet benefits of a currency managed taking in account weaker Economies) and there is only a handfull of small countries with such agreements.

        By leaving the EU, Germany would immediatelly loose the right to have any say on things like how the Euro is managed and would have to negotiate any such things in the Exit Agreement.

        So your "point" sounds a lot like the fantasism I heard in Britain from the Leave campaign: all about "we can still have this and that" whilst the reality was that ex-members are not entitled to an a la carte choice of all the things they want and have to negotiate it with the rest of the EU and since what comes out of that negotiation requires unanimous approval, they're not going to get all that they want and what they do manage to get will cost them.

  • It's early, but that is the dumbest fucking thing I've read so far today.