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Globle 2024-06-26
  • 🌎 Jun 26, 2024 🌍 🔥 1 | Avg. Guesses: 14 🟨⬜🟨🟨🟧🟥🟧🟥 🟧🟥🟥🟥🟥🟩 = 14 #globle

  • Anon is your financial advisor
  • I have a Bluetooth headset made by Sennheiser. It's battery died in the first two years of use. So I bought a new battery, except it was bigger.

    When I opened it up it turned out that they have thought about someone wanting a bigger battery and I only needed to break a couple of small plastic pieces to fit a longer battery in. The headset has worked fine since.

  • Scorching heat across five continents set 1,400 records this week and showed how human-caused global warming has made catastrophic temperatures commonplace.
  • It has been pretty cold in the Baltics too. We also barely dodged a massive hurricane, it hit Poland and Belarus pretty hard.

  • Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” - Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted.
  • It's not that the middle class has no power, it simply has too much to lose if they choose to revolt.

    What if your revolution fails and you lose your money and your house? What if it succeeds and your new government decides you have too much?

    That is why the middle class is a stabilising force in country's politics. And if they lose their stuff, and feel like they have nothing to lose but their chains, then some higher ups lose their heads.

  • South Korea blasts Russia-North Korea deal, says it will consider supplying arms to Ukraine
  • Ah yes Russia, please antagonise the country with one of the highest artillery shell stockpiles and production capacities in the world, what bad thing could result from that?

  • Hey guys, did you miss Šaškė?
  • šãškė - somewhat like shash-keh, with the emphasis on the a.

    She is sometimes naughty but also a very sociable cat.

  • Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters
  • Most activist organizations tend to do things that perpetuate themselves instead of trying to deal with the problem they are claiming to solve. That includes terrorist organisations too.

  • xkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
  • some buses

    Trolleybus: when you need a cheap moustache ride.

  • [NATOwave intensifies]
  • Here's some old OC

    Panemunė, Lithuania

    Sovetsk, Kaliningrad Oblast

    (Zoom in for the Z)

  • I don't want to form parasocial relationships with people I fap to
  • That would be weird, because there's definitely better people to fap to. I am just an obese, depressed 32 year old male.

  • NSFW
    My [f]avorite snack is strawberries, how about you?
  • I used to eat ridiculous amounts of them as a child because my family was growing a lot of them and they have not regained their appeal to me.

    Now black currant is an amazing berry with a rich and underutilized flavour profile.

  • Pter
  • In Lithuanian, we escaped the madness by making up our own name for it:

    Sraigtasparnis = sraigtas (cog) + sparnas (wing)

    Not to be confused with the word for autogyro:

    Malūnsparnis = malūnas (mill) + sparnas (wing)

    Which is not interesting unless you are writing some alternate history with aircraft in it and want to call them something with no Greek or Latin.

  • It's a great honor to wear the hat
  • A light shade of Payne's gray, I think.

  • People who started learning a second language, how has it made you aware how broken English is ?
  • All languages that are used are kinda broken, except the synthetic ones, like Esperanto.

    The amount of exceptions and weird rules in non-English languages I speak (Lithuanian and Swedish) and kinda know (Russian) proves it.

  • Life is hard
  • ['a'] + ['b'] = 'ab'

    Gets me every time.

  • It's funny how many "Anti-Imperialists" decided "Might makes right" when Russia invaded Ukraine
  • Supporting Ukraine goes beyond supporting democracy. If we allow them to lose, we hurt the international rules based order itself. The order which says that you can't invade your neighbour and take their land for no reason.

    If Putin gets away with annexing parts of Ukraine, now anyone can invade their neighbours, because they will get away with it. We will see more invasions and atrocities globally in the near future if we let this happen.

  • Europeans, do you take the train to travel to other countries?
  • I haven't yet, but I really wish to try.

  • Rainbow capitalism moment
  • If they really stood for LGBT, they would sell some rainbow coloured rockets to Ukraine in order to penetrate the Russian territory.

  • Vladimir Putin issues fresh demands to Ukraine to end war
  • Yes, but now their propaganda machine can say that they want to stop the war.

  • I don't want to form parasocial relationships with people I fap to

    Parasocial relationships refer to one-sided relationships in which a person develops a strong sense of connection, intimacy, or familiarity with someone they don’t know, most often celebrities or media personalities. These relationships exist only in the mind of the individual, who experiences a bond despite the lack of reciprocity.

    Forming parasocial relationships is fine.

    Fapping (masturbating) to nsfw content is fine (unless it is illegal or unethical).

    But forming a parasocial relationship with someone you fap to feels like cheating if you are in a relationship and a poor substitute for a relationship if you are single.

    I bought a car with a bad engine

    A year ago I bought my wife a Mazda CX-5 diesel and paid 10K for it. Now I found out that it has an engine defect that will be extremely expensive to repair, so the car is a write-off, at best I can get 2K back.

    Lithuanians are at it again, raising money to outfit Ukrainian soldiers with personal anti-drone systems, laser sights and night vision monoculars, all made by Lithuanian manufacturers

    Each set of items is supposed to cost around 7500 euros. 350000 was already raised in the first day. The fundraising campaign is supposed to last until February 24.

    Would magically turning all trans people into the gender they want to be be unethical?

    I am not asking this to be transphobic or anything but I had this debate with myself at 2 o'clock in the morning and every time I remember it I can't focus.

    On one hand, it is what they want. Let's assume it causes no harm to them or any unforeseen circumstances.

    On another hand, it would erase their identity as trans people. At the extreme you could consider it a genocide, since turning them into what they want would mean there is no more trans people and their unique identity is erased.

    Justas Justas🇱🇹

    Lithuanian 30+ year-old shitposter who works as a programmer.

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