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Love John de Lancie, but we gotta shake things up a bit.

Given the events of "Picard" and the delays of the writer's strike, it's considerably less likely we'll get to see our old Q up to no good. Natasha has the smarmy attitude expected from a Q, so why not? Certainly welcome to a relative unknown in the role if they can pull it off, but she gets my vote.

  • I'm not seeing it honestly. She does have attitude, but not in a Q sort of way, not to me. Less misanthropic and more world-weary.

    You want a Q that is both smarmy and clearly doesn't like most humans. My vote, if it's a woman, would be Jo Brand. She fits the bill.

    • Not familiar with her work. After perusing her Wiki, seems I've got some material to go through. 66 may not be an ideal age for a potentially ongoing character, but I can't speak with any accuracy to that effect. For another similarly aged Q, I'd say Bruce "Hail to the king, baby" Campbell.