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The capitalist pigs of the West say, "Damn it all, those Chinese folks have saved up far too much! It's time we found a means to impoverish them once more!" /content/cc40794b-abbb-4677-8a2a-4b10b12b6ff5
  • When liberals cry about wanting freedom for us, they actually mean the freedom to be deprived of basic necessities and to be enslaved wholesale by western pigs once again

  • According to the IMF, China generated 28 per cent of total global savings in 2023. This is only a little less than the 33 per cent share of the US and EU combined. That is quite extraordinary. It also has several implications. One is that if China were an open market economy, its capital markets would be the biggest in the world. Another is that how these savings are managed is likely to be the most important single determinant of global interest rates and the global balance of payments.


    FT refuting 'China debt trap' myth:

    If China wants the mercantilist solution to excess savings it will have to fund smaller emerging and developing countries. It can pretend these are loans. But much of the money will be grants, after the fact. If it ends up funding renewable energy there, that could be good for the world. But, from China’s perspective, it would be a costly gift.

    • One is that if China were an open market economy, its capital markets would be the biggest in the world.

      Damn, this is a sleazy little sneaky line right here.

      "If China were more heavily exploited, those savings would be funneled directly into the profits of western corporations instead of just sitting in their bank accounts."

  • Let me see if I get it straight, I have not finished the text yet but I wanna make sure that I'm understanding it right, since I don't understand business speech. But if I got it correctly it says, that those savings do not come from households, so it's either big corporations or the state itself, and they have saved just under the US and EU together, which means, china is spending less on their development, in fact significantly less, and is growing more and more stable than the west. Is that the takeaway of the first part?

    • basically yeah

      • Look that boggles the mind, like I knew capitalism was ineffective, but golly jee, this is just staggering, like the gap is monstrous, that basically mean China has the world's market by the balls and the US is downright terrified of it

    • Turns out not allowing capitalist theft to run rampant lets one do more with less. Crazy, right?

      • Absolutely, and I was sure of that, but man, got surprised with how much more you can do with so much less

  • is there an archive to the archive? this one isnt working

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