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Our brave Mujahid Kendrick Lamar.


  • Memes aside I'm so glad that creep piece of shit Drake is getting put on blast publicly. Inshallah Jared Leto is next

    • I love that there's crowds dancing to a song calling Drake a pedophile. But I don't love that Kendrick dropped out of the beef (maybe? time will tell) with no receipts when he was making some serious accusations that he should've been able to substantiate. Rap beef wise, he won 100% but that was never a discussion, he obviously wanted Drake dead and failed to pull through; Meet the Grahams allegations with no evidence means this isn't the end of P. Drizzy.

      • I want the receipts! Finish him! If Drake is that vile (which we know is at least in part true) make it stick. Now the rumor mills churning, everybody says "he's gonna drop another any minute now", "he's gonna publish the receipts" but I'm skeptical, don't know what to believe with all that supposed insider shit.

      • I don't know. I definitely don't want the beef to end, I hope he's just letting Not Like Us soak up as much steam as possible before another one because I'm fiending for more Dot tracks (DROP!), but I feel like the receipts everyone is calling for are kinda pointless to an extent.

        Kendrick isn't going to convince the Justice Department to investigate, arrest, and imprison Drake through rap songs. The best Kendrick can do is socially expose him and his crew. And that also comes with potentially high, mortal risk without the benefit of getting any sort of legal or real outcome. Also, unless a victim comes forward, is Dot supposed to just doxx an underage girl by name for getting raped by Drake? That seems highly problematic too. Anyway, there is already enough proof out there (even fucking videos!) of Drake being a creepy pedo groomer fuck so I don't know if anything more needs to or can be brought to the table.

        If Kendrick has the whole world singing and dancing to Drake and friends being pedophiles then that's already a win, in my opinion. Anything more than that is just Trump-Gotcha Syndrome and putting way too much hope into the justice system that is probably already bought by his crew at higher levels. I wish his whole network and crew gets exposed and brought down because I'm convinced they have some shady international ring with international capital similar to Epstein, and they might be brought down but I wouldn't bet on it since that also comes with power and connections.

    • The most publicly lascivious guy in hip-hop is finally being outted as lascivious. What a time to be alive.

  • Hamas also raps about the importance of therapy and eliminating blue light before bed time (and conspicuously doesn't make any political claims) so it's really a good comparison.

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