Number go down? No, number go up anyway
Number go down? No, number go up anyway
Number go down? No, number go up anyway
Also old (by Internet standards) but relevant New Yorker comic:
Power go down, but stonks go up.
Can't explain that.
As always, it's very indicative of the fundamental disconnect between the average person and the stock market that such a headline exists
what a fucking waste of energy...
What a waste
Overpay for water in a can and detergent in sheet form to supposedly save the world while crypto and AI boil the seas dry anyways.
"Maximizing profit leads to maximizing common good" but also power grid down equals profit
Unemployment is down, stocks are up, and the U.N. has just declared global peace forever.
the U.N. has just declared global peace forever.
that's bad for the economy though :/
But EVs putting a gradual but predictable increase to power demand is horrible.