Serious question: did anyone here actually know it was still around? I'm one of the more tech-savvy people I know and haven't touched ICQ in well over a decade at this point
I was working in Russian IT sector at the time when the government tried to block Telegram. For a few days we had some communication problems because we ised TG for all project chats and communication with most customers. We worked as contractors making an app with/for Mail Ru Group (now the whole company is rebranded as VK, but it's actually a lot of different businesses). This is when I got to know that product manager I was working with was also the product manager for ICQ. And that we had to switch to fucking ICQ for daily conversations because that was their default backup method. Crazy!
I found out that it was facelifted up to the point where you couldn't see the difference between it, TG or WhatsApp.
After about a week, TG was updated and it had a dynamic server connection (not a hardcoded one), so IP blocks stopped working and we returned to tg.
I still remember my number from the 2000s: 173114498. Though I lost access to that account a long time ago
I remember being annoyed back in the 90s that ICQ was better than AIM, but everyone just wanted to use AIM. On ICQ you could message offline people, change your display name, and other stuff I don't remember. It kind of was a big influence in my "wow, people are a bunch of lazy morons" impulse I need to push against even now.
Wow, end of an era. ICQ was how I kept in touch with friends after I left for college. Back then, you had to pay per text on your phone or have a limited number each month, and ICQ was free.
Wow, I thought it shut down loooong ago. I wonder if there's any way to retrieve an archive of your IMs or anything like that? If only I remembered my number...