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got pip'd at work after coming back from a mental health leave
  • ah what a classic shit move. definitely find a new job now, nobody actually gets off a PIP.

  • Apparently Geico won't insure the Cybertruck any more.
  • 30 years ago it was conservatives whining about "political correctness." Except back then at least they could pretend it was about something else. To be literally against diversity, equality and inclusion? Mask off.

  • i dont even understand how napster is a thing still, even in its current form. Feels like everyone has spotify or nothing.

  • AFI - The Leaving Song Pt. II [Post Hardcore]
  • high school emo me loved this album so much

  • Google lays off hundreds of 'Core' employees, moves some positions to India and Mexico
  • blowout first-quarter earnings report

    laying off at least 200 employees

    functioning as intended cool-dad

  • John Fetterman receives standing ovation after removing Harvard hood during Yeshiva University commencement
  • large men tend to not live very long, so here's hoping.

    also wow, so brave, standing up for Jewish Americans who are in no way under any threat whatsoever. The Zionist community out here proving that they really are just white people.

  • "Mass casualty event"
  • 1000 dead Israelis? Genocide.

    Tens of thousands of dead Palestinians? Mass casualty event.

  • Is Eve Fartlow OK?
  • its reminds me of those shirts conservatives wear that has too much text and usually mentions something about how you shouldnt mess with them or their family

  • The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau Is Constitutional, After All
  • im actually a little surprised, since the conservative shitbags on the court seem like the "GUBMINT CAN'T DO NUTHIN BUT THE MILITARY" type of shitbags.

  • Winamp has announced that it is opening up its source code to enable collaborative development of its legendary player for Windows.
  • im not sure what you mean. i just have the standard milkdrop installed, although at one point i didnt go through and put the ones i don't like into a different folder so they don't come up. is that what you mean?

  • Winamp has announced that it is opening up its source code to enable collaborative development of its legendary player for Windows.
  • i still use Winamp. Plus Milkdrop is the best free visualizer. With an extra program(VB-Cable) you can play music through other apps and it will go through winamp and milkdrop. Spotify with Milkdrop is the shiiiiiit

  • Just got a sim racing wheel…
  • but the issue was I had a “gaming 🤓” desk and it had this metal bar underneath which made it impossible to attach the wheel to.

    i had the same problem, i cant center the wheel on the desk but it works off center. not ideal but it works.

  • Biden announces new tariffs on Chinese EVs, semiconductors, solar cells and more
  • these costs certainly wont be passed to the working class!

  • How bad of an idea would it be for me to try joining a dating app?
  • it's worth a shot. shit is pretty pay to play at this point, probably way worse now than when i used it. i havent used it in like 5 years, but i did pay for Tinder because getting those 5 superlikes a day(or was it week?) got me way more noticed since it actually tells the person that you liked them instead of waiting.

  • Recommend me some places/things to do in Tokyo/Kyoto

    so my weeb ass is finally going to Japan. Main things me and my partner want to do are Ghlibi museum and theme park, see the life size Gundam, and go to a baseball game. We'll be mostly in Tokyo and Kyoto and then the Ghibli theme park in Nagoya. We like all the nerd shit so we'll be in Shibuya, Shinkuk and Akihabara, and maybe do some fancy stuff in Ginza.

    PNAU - Hyperbolic(new album) Hyperbolic

    PNAU · Album · 2024 · 10 songs.


    first PNAU album in 7 years. I fuckin love PNAU.

    i bought a racing wheel to play Dirt Rally 2.0

    Thrustmaster(lol) T150. It's pretty fuckin rad, i only used a controller to play racing games before this but this is so much cooler.

    Sinead O' Connor - Famine

    she was so rad

    Anyone here try online therapy, and did you like it?

    I don't mean with BetterHelp or some other shit advertised on a podcast. I was looking up some therapists on and noticed so many do it online. There are some in person ones near me but they are still like a 35 min drive. I guess my side of the midsized city im in doesnt seem to have much.

    Dealing with a lot of anxiety and paranoia

    Some background info: dad got cancer when i was 12, watched him take his last breaths on a hospital bed in the living room, with my mom and sister there. i smoked weed for 18 years but quit last year. I used to have every now and then panic attacks thinking about my existence and what it is and how it will end.

    Lately though i've been having all kinds of shit going through my brain. It's unseasonably warm here so i freak out about climate change, ive recently started to be scared of house fires for no reason, and then last night i was on some anxious shit thinking about burglaries. Me and my gf have cats so i get anxious about them if im not at home. I've really become a slight agoraphobe. Was kinda wondering if anyone else had this stuff happening to their brain and what could help it. It's really ramped up the last month or so. I am trying to tell myself that im worried too much about things that probably won't happen but it's hard to trick yourself.

    I've been looking up therapists, there's CBT which looks interesting i guess. Part of me just wants a pill to make it all go away.

    Anybody see that "Stop Jewish Hate" Super Bowl commercial? In the Fight Against Antisemitism, Robert Kraft Is Part of the Problem

    The foundation run by the owner of the New England Patriots has purchased a Super Bowl ad titled “Stop Jewish Hate”—but it’s the foundation that is helping to fuel antisemitism.

    In the Fight Against Antisemitism, Robert Kraft Is Part of the Problem

    Stop opposing genocide, you anti-semites

    I fucking hate white people

    Group of black teens attacks a guy. Minor injuries. What's the reddit thread filled with?

    "carry a gun" "cops on every corner" "animals"

    what gets downvoted? me mentioning generational poverty.

    death to the whites.

    Edit: came back, didn't think this would blow up the way it did, but it has been hilarious how many bad takes are from people with an @ in their username. This hilarity is why i love HexBear.

    !astronaut-2 !astronaut-1

    I would like submit the name "Gina" as an equivalent to "Karen"

    theyre all old(cause nobody wants to name their kid vagina), theyre all white and theyre all shit

    TikTok Revanced and Youtube Revanced are awesome

    I heard about YT Revanced because it has no ads. then i saw they had TikTok revanced. It removes ads, lets you block all Tiktok lives(i fucking hate 99% of them) and it lets you set the minimum likes/views a video needs to show up, so i don't get random people who have 1 like on their shitty video.

    I think you have to download the APKs from but goddamn has it make YT and Tiktok better.

    They work on Android.

    Rant: have you ever dumped a long time friend?

    tl;dr: have a friend who has historically always been mad when his friends got a gf/wife. He acts like he's 15 years old and saying "bros before hoes" still. He calls me and other friends a yuppie or breeder, and he thinks crosswalks are authoritarian so he has to always be a "rebel" and make it seem like he has the most unique viewpoint in the world. He doesn't change anything about himself, and he's stubbornly proud of having "no filter." This has caused every wife/gf of his friends to not like him. He will never be invited to any kind of social event because he will say stupid shit. Like, nobody has to be a rabid commie all the fucking time. Him and my gf got into a huge fight because he always talks like an asshole, and i live with my gf, so he doesnt come to my house at all because he'll say some shit. He still brings up this fight when im around him, and it's like get the fuck over it. I basically don't share anything about my life that involves my partner now, because he'll say something fucking stupid about her. He also begins a lot of sentences with "well" or "actually" which is never helpful. He literally can't admin when he is wrong, even about the simplest shit.

    This really all seemed to get worse once I started my current long term relationship, and then it got way worse when my gf got sick of his shitty attitude and how he treats everyone like an asshole. He literally just can't be chill at all. No leftist(or similar) should be ranting constantly about every single injustice during every single social situation. That is exhausting to be around, and there is a time and place for it, but there has to be an ability to switch that shit off.

    Finding and keeping relationships requires changing yourself just a bit, and making compromises, and it's now become apparent he isn't capable of that.

    related question: have you ever dumped a long time friend? This is all a somewhat recent change, like the past 3-4 years, and it really seems to be because im in a relationship like most of our friend group, so now he's totally alone. Ive heard him say he's in therapy but i have to wonder if that's true, because it clearly isn't working. I'm annoyed by him but I pity him too because he can't fucking change for anybody at all.

    Know who I don't trust?

    Anyone who leaps to quote Trotsky over anyone else.
