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US banana giant ordered to pay $38m to families of Colombian men killed by death squads
  • So the price to kill someone is 4.75 million? Got it.

    As long as the actual people in charge (read: CEO, CTO, CFO, anyone else on the board of directors and any other executives) aren't held directly responsible with a proper punishment that isn't payment, the killing of people is literally just a fee of 4.75 million dollars.

  • Strava alternative?
  • If you just want to track your data for yourself, without the social media features (like Strava has), I would recommend Opentracks.

  • Patrick Breyer and Pirate Party lose EU Parliament seats
  • I considered voting for them, but I didn't.

    The reason is because there are other parties with comprehensive plans for digitalisation / IT stuff PLUS lots of other plans for healthcare, economy, infrastructure, etc.

    Pirate party seems like a party focused on IT stuff only, whereas I also care about other topics, such as international trains, subsidizing healthcare, improving education and lots of other things.

    (I voted for Volt Nederland BTW)

  • Wekelijke check: Hoe gaat het?

    Ga maar lekker zeiken in de comments over je verschrikkelijke kutweek of vertel waarom je een fantastische week hebt gehad.

    196 Rules
  • What about the rebel path from the CP77 OST?

  • Netherlands allows Ukraine to strike Russian territory with its F-16s
  • Sounds good, but they first need to actually deliver the jets, because this is otherwise pointless.

  • How do you guys feel about Loops?
  • I think they could add a tag system, where the user enters their interests as a tag and then Loops shows all the content that shares the same tag.

    Yes, it's more effort than TikTok, which automatically guesses what your interests are, but I think it's still a good, privacy friendly alternative.

  • Babe wake up, NCD's Pride flag just dropped
  • This is fucking hilarious

  • We wish you a merry notification bell
  • Slightly offtopic:

    When I go to the source in my browser, I see that this toot has been boosted roughly 800 times and roughly 1400 favorites.

    However, when I go to this toot via my Mastodon app, I'm seeing 256 boosts and 1 favourite.

    Why is this different in my app vs the fosstodon link to the toot?

  • Wekelijkse check: hoe gaat het?

    Goedemiddag Lemmings,

    Zijn we weer; hoe gaat het met jullie? Is er iets dat jullie graag willen delen? Nu is je kans!

    Wekelijkse hoe gaat het?

    Hoi allemaal, hier ben ik weer.

    Hoe gaat met het jullie allemaal? Met wat voor gevoel gaan jullie aan de week beginnen? Hoe hebben jullie vorige week afgesloten? Nog enige dingen die jullie kwijt willen?

    What drew you to the high seas?
  • I wanted to watch Game of Thrones, but I couldn't, because there was no legal streaming service available back then. (This was in 2015 or something).

    That's when I discovered the Pirate Bay and its wonders..

  • PVV, VVD, NSC en BBB bereiken akkoord, moeten nog verder praten over premier PVV, VVD, NSC en BBB bereiken akkoord, moeten nog verder praten over premier

    De vier partijen zijn er 5,5 maand na de verkiezingen uit. De fracties gaan het voorlopige regeerakkoord nu lezen, later volgt de presentatie.

    PVV, VVD, NSC en BBB bereiken akkoord, moeten nog verder praten over premier
    Mood check!!

    Goedenavond iedereen.

    Vorige week maakte ik een post en vroeg ik hoe het met jullie ging.

    Ik kreeg hier een aantal leuke reacties op en heb besloten om het opnieuw te doen.

    Wat zouden jullie ervan vinden als ik (of iemand anders?) dit wekelijks ga doen? Elke maandag ofzo? Vinden de mods dit ook goed of is dit spam?

    Maar goed. Hoe was jullie week?

    Check-in momentje: hoe gaat het?

    Hallo Nederlandse Lemmings!*

    Hoe gaat het met jullie allen? Met j'allen?

    Ik dacht bij mezelf dat het wel goed is als er regelmatig ff een check-in momentje is voor ons allemaal waar we lekker kunnen zeiken en onze (kleine) overwinningen kunnen delen. Of is hier al een andere community voor gemaakt?

    \* Naam voor mensen op Lemmy is nog WIP

    Existential slander rule
  • Hmmm.. Maybe it's to prevent scripts from downloading / ripping content off their platform? That's the only theory I can come up with. Although if it's true, they don't do a very good job at it, considering I've seen plenty of WebDL-1080p Netflix exclusive content on torrenting platforms.

  • Existential slander rule
  • Lmao, why do you even need to verify your humanity?

  • Removed
    The Internet Archive's last-ditch effort to save itself
  • Does this eBook downloading thing affect the rest of the Archive? Like, will the entire archive be affected or just the OpenLibrary part of the Archive?

  • Fallout 4's most popular mods are now ones that remove Bethesda's disastrous 'next gen' update
  • I'm on PC and I haven't noticed anything changed. Literally. I don't notice any bugs nor have I noticed a sudden improvement of my graphics. It seems to me that the 15gb that Steam downloaded, was just full of 0's and don't do anything.

    Edit: Nevermind, apparently the new quests and items are part of the update, so in that case I have definitely noticed something lol.

  • Do you practice self care?
  • Yeah, I mean, I:

    • Eat at least three times per day (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
    • Exercise three times per week (in the gym, lifting weights)
    • Sleep at least 7 or 8 hours per night
    • Go outside every day
    • Have a skincare routine (although it's not much)
    • Brush my teeth twice per day (after breakfast and before going to sleep)
  • Fans’ body pledges ‘studs to the knee’ response if Game 39 plans are revived | Premier League [The Guardian]
  • Holy shit, it's almost unbelievable what lengths some people will go to earn a little bit more money.

    Because that's what ultimately the goal is, right? To attract more American viewers and therefore earn more money from the broadcasts. This sounds just as stupid as the 'Beneliga' competition, which was supposed to merge the Dutch and Belgium football competitions.

  • Thank you Raymond Hill
  • Tip: if you have an Android TV, you can install SmartTube as an alternative, privacy-friendly YouTube client. It has no ads and sponsorblock integration

  • Nextcloud Hub 8 is now available
  • I use it to manage my documents, backup my photos from my phone to my server and access all my files from any other device. Basically Nextcloud is my replacement for OneDrive.

    Additionally, I have used it in the past to collaborate on various group projects which require documents. For example, I had to make a presentation with some other people and I could create a PowerPoint in Nextcloud, send a share link to others and then we could edit the PowerPoint in realtime with Nextcloud + Collabora, which is pretty cool. It's the only FOSS alternative (at least as far as I'm aware of) that can compete with Microsoft 365 / Google Workspaces.

  • Nextcloud Hub 8 is now available
  • Honestly, I'm not really excited about the past couple of major Nextcloud releases.

    Mainly because there's still one big issue for small-scale Nextcloud servers: performance.

    Mainly the web UI is still too slow for me to properly use, which is why I don't use it at all (unless I have to update an app).

    It's a bit disappointing that they're mainly focused on the large enterprise customers instead of small hobbyists like me, but it's still understandable; after all, their income is mainly from the enterprise customers, not from selfhosters.

    I also don't really like how they've jumped on the AI hypetrain instead of improving performance. But once again, I guess this generates more income for them than focusing on other things like improving performance.

  • Real Madrid dethrone Manchester City after Rüdiger holds nerve in shootout
  • PSG and ManCity are both literally just representatives of the government of Qatar

  • What do you think about the idea that we're in a simulation?

    I don't think that we're in a simulation, but I do find myself occasionally entertaining the idea of it.

    I think it would be kinda funny, because I have seen so much ridiculous shit in my life, that the idea that all those ridiculous things were simulated inside a computer or that maybe an external player did those things that I witnessed, is just too weird and funny at the same time lol.

    Also, I play Civilizations VI and I occasionally wonder 'What if those settlers / soldiers / units / whatever are actually conscious. What if those lines of code actually think that they're alive?'. In that case, they are in a simulation. The same could apply to other life simulators, such as the Sims 4.

    Idk, what does Lemmy think about it?

    Randomly got banned

    What the fuck.

    My Reddit account would be 4 years old next week, but for some unknown reason I got permanently banned.


    I genuinely don't understand why, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is part of the enshittification of Reddit Inc. I've never posted anything hateful or doxxed someone. Just mainly discussed Dutch football matches. That's it. I don't think discussing football breaks Reddit rules, right?

    I guess I'm disappointed, because a lot of great, niche communities exist on Reddit which don't exist on Lemmy yet, so I now have nowhere to discuss some of my hobbies with random strangers on the internet.

    Fuck Reddit and their shitty policy.

    homelab JVT038
    Use case(s) for owning a homelab?

    So I was wondering, what is exactly the use case of owning a server rack with huge CPUs and 256GB of DDR4 RAM with 1PB of storage?

    Obviously, I'm kind of exaggerating here, but it does seem that most homelabs are big server racks with at least two CPUs and like 20 cores in total.

    Why would I want to buy a server rack with all the bells and whistles when a low-power, small NAS can do the trick? What's the main advantage of having a huge server, compared to an average Synology NAS for example?

    Honestly, I only see disadvantages tbh. It consumes way more power, costs way more money and the processing power it provides is probably only relevant for (small) businesses and not for an individual like me.

    So, convince me. Why should I get a homelab instead of a regular NAS?

    SSO with automatic user creation

    I'm considering adding an SSO process in front of my self-hosted apps such as Nextcloud, Calibre-Web and Immich. The thing I'm thinking about, is do I need to make two accounts for each user I want to add? If I have a new user, do I need to make an account for both the SSO provider and the protected app such as Nextcloud? Or does Nextcloud (or some other app) automatically create a new account upon the first authentication with the SSO provider?

    Also, which SSO provider do y'all recommend? I would like to have one with a web UI where I can manage the users :)

    Horizon Forbidden West: Complete Edition is coming to PS5 and PC Horizon Forbidden West: Complete Edition is coming to PS5 and PC

    Explore distant lands and brave new threats in the Forbidden West and the ruins of Los Angeles in the complete collection.

    Horizon Forbidden West: Complete Edition is coming to PS5 and PC
    California passes right-to-repair act guaranteeing seven years of parts for your phone

    The bill outlines three years for products costing $50 to $99.99 and seven years for products priced at $100 or more. The bill will cover electronics and appliances made and sold after July 1st, 2021.

    Google faces a £7 billion lawsuit for blocking search engine competition at the expense of consumers Google faces a £7 billion lawsuit for blocking search engine competition at the expense of consumers

    Google accused of anti-competitive practices that have led to 65 million UK consumers paying more for goods and services

    Google faces a £7 billion lawsuit for blocking search engine competition at the expense of consumers

    > The lawsuit argues that Google has effectively ‘bought’ the UK mobile phone search engine market. Google forced mobile phone handset manufacturers to pre-install the Google Search and Google Chrome browser apps on devices that use Google’s Android operating system in order to obtain a licence to use Google Play.

    > Google also unlawfully paid billions to Apple to ensure that it was the default search engine on iPhones and other devices that used Apple’s iOS operating system. In 2019, Google paid £1.2 billion to Apple in the UK to be the default search engine on the Safari browser.

    > It is claimed that Google has used its market dominance to effectively charge advertisers over the odds. Costs were then passed on to such an extent that all consumers ended up paying higher prices for goods and services sold by brands that have advertised on the platform.

    Any recommendations for a privacy friendly smart watch?

    I currently take my phone with me while running, but it's very annoying to take imo.

    Like the title says, is there a privacy friendly smart watch that could track my sport activities?

    Bonus if it can also sync the data to my private server / NAS :D

    JVT038 JVT038

    Web developer, gamer, reader, and a true ligma male

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